First panel: A strawberry, a raspberry, and a blueberry are sitting on the floor. A tomato comes along and asks: "Can I join berry club?" – "Sorry, Tomato. Berries only", says Strawberry.
Second panel: Tomato holds up a sheet of paper. "Well this article says I am a berry and you're not." Angrily, Strawberry says "No way! 'Berry' is right in my name!"
Third panel: Close-up on Strawberry and Raspberry. "What?! I'm an 'accessory' fruit? What the hell is that?!", says Strawberry in disbelief, looking at the paper. "I'm not a Berry either?!!" exclaims Raspberry, sweating.
Fourth panel. "These are strange times for berry club. Strange times." says Blueberry. Tomato, a watermelon, and a banana are sitting next to it. Strawberry is sitting way in the background, looking sad.
The pitfalls of mixing culinary categories and scientific (botanical) categories. We have to ask ourselves the hard questions: If you were an anthropomorphic fruit, would you refer to yourself with culinary or scientific categories?
I think whether I was a fruit or not, I wouldn't want to operate with the assumption that I'm going to be eaten, so scientific categories all the way. As a human, I like to think of myself as a mammal/ape/homo sapien/whatever instead of wondering which parts of me are white meat vs dark meat.