Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is going all-in on AI. Earlier this week, he announced that the company’s developer division (which makes developer tools and compilers) has been folded into a new unit …
Wait, am I supposed to use Microsoft 365 Copilot Office Live Premium Pro Clippy Edition (new) or Microsoft 365 Copilot Office Live Premium Pro Clippy Edition? They're both installed...
"hello everyone my name is Bill Ballmer and welcome to today's Visual tour of Microsoft 365 Coilot Office Live Premium Pro Clippy Edition! this is of course being broadcast to all your favourite Zune stations using the Power of Azure, and wow COM-fans I'm just about as hyped up for this demo as I can be. Let's get right into it, shall we?"
look, if we just rename it a bit harder, I’m sure we’ll get the promptfondler uptake that marketing had forecast. this can’t be an itanium situation, dave in sales assured me there’s a use!