Let them? How do you propose we let them? Stop going to our jobs? Stop getting healthcare?
And how exactly do we let the government stop selling weapons? That's not really a 'let them' situation since that's exactly the opposite of what they want to do.
When almost half the nation lives paycheck-to-paycheck, a day without work could mean a day without food for your kids. If they don't fire you entirely and replace you with some MAGA faithful. Because there's no way that the entire nation will go with the "capitalism is bad" thing considering who got elected president.
You’re right on each count, and unfortunately that is what will keep us in this endless cycle.
Genuinely lasting change is hard because it means making hard sacrifices. We as a country have become very complacent and afraid of sacrifice. We’ve been whipped so badly over the decades/centuries, that either we drank the kool-aid, or are too scared of our world ending (hint: it won’t).