Since the late 1990s, drug companies have spent tens of billions of dollars on television ads, drumming up demand for their products with cheerful jingles and scenes of dancing patients.
Get rid of corn syrup getting added to everything, ban drug ads on TV, I gotta say I don't disagree with everything this guys says he wants to do but I also feel like it's mostly just talk.
I am skeptical that he actually cares about these things that much. This stuff feels like an attempt to whitewash his insanity ahead of confirmation hearings so that senators have some populist cover to vote for captain brain worm.
I think he might actually care about some of the health stuff (even if he's wrong about some of it) but I don't know if we'll see any positive changes because of it.
He's basically a crystal hippie, just like all the "alternative medicine" people that joined with Trump as soon as the right went full anti-vax during the pandemic. He's got some nice ideas, from where people like that overlap with the left, but they're held alongside all the crazy anti-science ones. He's only as successful as he is because of his name
Corn syrup is no worse for you than any other sugar.
It's definitely added to a ton of things but that's because people like sweet shit. The corn syrup doesn't hurt you - the overconsumption of any refined sugars causes diabetes.
Removing corn syrup and adding white sugar is just as bad.
We overconsume it because it's in everything because it gets a shitload of subsidies so they look for as many excuses to use it as possible to save money, so, in a sense, yes, corn syrup is bad for you (as is all refined sugar that gets crammed into everything).