Hey Dungeoneers, v3.0.0 and the Cleric are finally ready for beta! In this blog post I’m going to share more details about the Cleric! Just as with the Duelist, I’m releasing the Cleric’s beta a little early. There’s still one subclass and two armor abilities to implement before the Cleric is conten...
Hey Dungeoneers, v3.0.0 and the Cleric are finally ready for beta!
In this blog post I’m going to share more details about the Cleric! Just as with the Duelist, I’m releasing the Cleric’s beta a little early. There’s still one subclass and two armor abilities to implement before the Cleric is content-complete and ready for release.
A little feedback about the cleric's holy tome. I keep misfiring guiding light because I double tap the spot where the spell is in the open tome instead of tapping once on the spell and then on the closed tome. It would be more streamlined if maybe the tome dialogue stayed open until the spell fired so you could double tap the spell instead of the spell then the tome.
Or maybe I'll get used to it the way it is, but the double tap dynamic is pretty built-in so it would make sense to stick to it.
I have been playing a game where quick casting and casting are basically the same
Maybe we could start with an ability in the quickslot from the beginning? Or maybe no ability, but just an empty blue box you can click and use it to set up a skill