I swear to god if the US or Canadian media start using the current state of our healthcare system to advocate for an American system I'm going to lose it. This is exactly what the right wants. They've been underfunding the system to the point where it might as well not even exist and now they're turning around and saying, "look, it doesn't work". It's "starve the beast" to the letter and apparently it's working.
They take something that works (albeit not always perfectly) for everyone and defund it, pass legislative stumbling blocks, create chaos, wait, then say, "it's broken and only we can fix it!". How do they fix it? By selling it piecemeal to corporate vampires.
Watch as the USPS, one of the last remaining US government corporations, is dismantled.
Admire how the NHS in the UK has been torn apart.
Get your bankruptcy forms ready, folk. American style "health care" is coming to Canada.