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It’s my point of no return. Leaving in two weeks forever. Good luck.
19 2 ReplyCongratulations. Did you already have citizenship somewhere else?
3 0 ReplyAustralia, thank God
2 0 Reply
Hope you're okay and this is a move to another country being discussed?
3 0 ReplyThanks, I’m good! An Aussie
2 0 ReplyBogan
1 0 ReplyStrewth
1 0 Reply
Where ya goin? And why there?
I've been trying to figure out the most popular countries where people are fleeing to, but I couldn't figure out how to search for this.
1 1 ReplyPopular is irrelevant, you need to match your personality and skills with where you can thrive. Easy and familiar isn't necessarily good.
7 0 ReplyCitizen of Australia, never been more valuable than now
2 0 ReplyYeah. Looks like Australia has had their shit together lately
1 0 Reply
Trump is all but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of time, luck gooded
3 11 ReplyHe's a whole lot more than a speck of dust in the grand scheme of a person's life.
Even just his 8 years is about 10% for most people. Then you have to add on the extra years of trailing effects...
11 0 ReplyToo right. The groundswell of antipathy in the U.S. is the real reason I am leaving
3 0 Reply