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Why does working class not simply eat the rich?


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  • Answering as an American:

    Because the working class understands that “elites” are a necessary decadence and side effect of free markets, and they are fine with billionaires if it means those free markets enable them to live like a king from the 1800s, and they are not consumed with narcissistic jealousy of people that have more than them. Plus they understand history, and they see how class wars worked out in the Bolshevik revolution.

    I consider myself rich AF, because I have a roof over my head, AC, and healthy food to eat, which is RELATIVELY easy to come by in America. Tradespeople like plumbers and electricians are doing very well in America, and if they are reasonably fiscally responsible and save their money well, then they can retire comfortably after 15-20 years of work.

    Many people all over the world understand all of this, and they clamor to immigrate to America.

    • between 15 and 25% of Americans are facing food insecurity. 25% of Americans are facing bankruptcy due to medical debt. 10% of Americans have no medical insurance. 63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

      That is not doing well, that is very fucking bad. And no, free markets do not require billionaires. We can get rid of all billionaires and distribute the money to the workers who actually generated that value, and still have healthy and relatively free markets.

    • Careful, if you keep licking that hard you might choke on that boot that's standing on all of our necks...

    • Lmao its not worth even trying to explain to you all the many ways you are wrong. 60% of my generation is so ruined by financial stress that they "are incapable of functioning". My mom died and its unironically been the only hope I will ever have of getting a home. Cheers to late stage capitalism, where I make twice minimum wage and rent is 50% of my income for one of the worst apartment buildings in my city.