I was visiting Ukraine for work for about a month. Me and my coworker found ourselves at a country bar... Bit weird. We were wasted. Dudes have ar 15s out front as bouncers. Too many drinks led to a five alarm fire in my bowels. The weird fish early on didn't help I'm sure. Found a stall just in time. Unload. No toilet paper. I wiped with the local currency. I'm so ashamed to this day. This was around 2019. I'm a shit american.
That's not lutefisk, they're different things. They're both an acquired taste, but surströmming is the one that smells like rotting fish. Well, they both stink of rotting fish. But you know what I mean. Surströmming is the heavily-memed one that makes people projectile vomit as soon as the can is opened.