Americans are, apparently, tired of having every last shred of personal data over-collected, hyper monetized, then improperly secured by a rotating crop of ethics-optional corporations and lazy exe…
Run on "Government doesn't work! We need less of it!" and then once you have the job, do fucking nothing except obstruct, obstruct, obstruct to make sure jack shit gets done so you can turn around and say "See, the government doesn't work, we need to get rid of it!"
And for the cost, they get to retire with nice government pensions and better healthcare than any of their voters will ever see.
This is not just a partisan issue. As the article points out, its been like this for 30 years. The Dems failed to pass any meaningful legislation too.
It's because it makes gobs of money that both parties are taking, and it also kind of projects US power to other countries since US tech is doing most of the data collection.
The only Dem I know who even bothers to talk about this stuff is our local senator Ron Wyden. Apart from that, most seem satisfied with the status quo.
I think many voters "feel" tech getting junky, but the connection to why is just way too complicated for most to dig into. It's not a direct line like tipping waiters or getting abortions.
And for the cost, they get to retire with nice government pensions and better healthcare than any of their voters will ever see.
They get way more than just that if they are good little piggies for the ownership class. They get "advisory" positions and board membership that give massive salaries for doing fuck-all as they already did their "job" in government. Totes not a bribe of course, because technicallyyyyy....