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Kbin Notifications Panel Kbin Notifications Panel

Adds a notification panel to the navigation bar

Userscript that adds a notification panel to the navigation bar.


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  • Just had to come back after a few days and say that once I got this working and added the other script that highlights the reply in the thread, it made reading notifications so much easier.

    • I'm glad! I just released a small update that automatically closes the panel if you click outside of it, so it's also easier to close now (ノ´ヮ´)ノ

      • Seems it broke for me. Inspection shows an error "DOMException: Document.querySelector: '.dropdown:has(.login)' is not a valid selector"

        • Are you possibly on Firefox? The userscript now requires the :has() selector which is disabled behind a flag on Firefox. you can enable it by opening about:config in a new tab, searching for layout.css.has-selector.enabled and setting it to true

          • That did it. Weird that the first refresh had both the old indicator and the bell showing, but now it's back to normal again. I guess there's no way to indicate to FF users what needs to be toggled, is there?

            • It's on the greasyfork page, but I will probably add a warning that shows up if the userscript detects you don't have it enabled in a future update

              • Definitely if you can detect it, have it break gracefully and let the user know. Wasn't sure if that was possible or not. I can't fault FF for locking some things down a bit.

                • Yeah, I will definitely do it the first thing in the morning! It's too late for me to do that now