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  • Real or fake?

    A supposed clip of edgelord LowTierGod, supporting normalization of trans ppl.

  • Right behind you

  • Anti-LGBT+ bigotry behind yet another fatal hate crime Anti-LGBTQ2S+ bigotry behind yet another fatal hate crime

    Lauri Carleton, a clothing store owner in Cedar Glen, California, and a staunch ally of the LGBTQ2S+ community, was murdered in cold blood on August 18. Her crime? Displaying a Pride flag outside her store. The killer, later fatally shot by sheriff’s deputies, subjected Carleton to homophobic slurs

    Anti-LGBTQ2S+ bigotry behind yet another fatal hate crime
  • PSA

  • One Piece is based

  • Marxist Lesbian librarian Moms for Liberty says “Marxist lesbian” librarian is a threat to kids

    The attack follows a "regrettable" tweet from the new president of the American Library Association...

    Moms for Liberty says “Marxist lesbian” librarian is a threat to kids

    This person should not have to regret being a proud marxist & lesbian

  • She gets a taste of what she dishes out Caitlyn Jenner shocked fellow conservatives called her a man when she called out Ron DeSantis

    She even appeared apologetic for suggesting she'd use the women's room. "How can you walk sans spine...

    Caitlyn Jenner shocked fellow conservatives called her a man when she called out Ron DeSantis

    She advovated for this treatment she has gotten.

  • Question to Xenogenders of Lemmygrad

    How do you spot feds in your ranks?

    Disclaimer: I use "fed" as a catch-all term for infiltrators, law enforcement in general, intelligence agencies, sleeper agents, and masqueradors depending on context. In this post I mean people who pretend to be Xenogenders to spread transphobia.

    This is one concern I still have left unanswered since I struggle to spot the difference between actual xenogenders and reactionary feds.

  • Master Chief is Aroace Fans Are Criticising Halo's Latest Episode For Asexual Erasure

    Master Chief had sex in the most recent episode of the Halo TV show, which has left some fans upset at the asexual erasure of the character.

    Fans Are Criticising Halo's Latest Episode For Asexual Erasure
  • Unlimited Support to our Lesbian Comrades in the fight against Imperialism! 🫡🫡✊✊


  • The Controversial Gay Priest Who Brought Vigilante Justice to San Francisco's Streets

    In response to anti-gay violence, the Reverend Raymond Broshears formed the Lavender Panthers, an armed self-defense group, in 1973

    The Controversial Gay Priest Who Brought Vigilante Justice to San Francisco's Streets
  • Boston groups reject Zionist pinkwashing

    In Boston, corporate Pride has been replaced with Zionist Pride. The organizers of Boston Pride 2023 collaborated with the Israeli consulate and other Zionist organizations on a screening of the film "The Holy Closet," which is described as a “celebratory, poignant and often funny presentation of th

    Boston groups reject Zionist pinkwashing

    >This event is part of a broader strategy of recruiting support for the [neocolony] by rebranding itself as queer-friendly in an effort to mask [its] ongoing violence against Palestinians — known as “Brand Israel.” The Brand Israel campaign intentionally markets [the neocolony] as a “gay-friendly” country and a gay tourism destination, a strategy that queer Palestinians and those in solidarity have termed “Pinkwashing.” > >The Pinkwashing narrative that [the neocolony] is gay-friendly is not only harmful to Palestinians, it is also disingenuous and false. LGBTQ+ marriages are not legal in [the neocolony]. Egregiously, the [neocolonial] military threatens and attempts to extort Palestinians based on private information about their gender, sexual history, and medical needs. This practice, which can include threatening to “out” LGBTQ+ Palestinians, displays the violent character of Zionism that is antithetical to queer liberation. > >As Al-Qaws, a queer Palestinian organization, writes: “The open inclusion of gay officers in the [neocolonial] army is used as proof of liberal forward-mindedness, but for Palestinians the sexuality of the soldier at a checkpoint makes little difference. They all wield the same guns, wear the same boots, and maintain the same [neo]colonial régime.” (, Oct. 18, 2020)

  • Queer Liberation March in NYC

    Thousands of people joined the Queer Liberation March in New York City on June 25. Organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, the march has been held annually since 2019, the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion. It was initiated to return to the fight-back spirit of Stonewall and counter the

    Queer Liberation March in NYC

    >This mobilization has no corporations, no politicians and no cops. The theme of this year’s march was “Trans & Queer, Forever Here.” Many carried signs and chanted in support of trans rights. Violence toward the trans community has intensified, as more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced in legislatures across the country this year.

  • Thank you Neo!

    Can we all take a moment to thank Neo for going into the Matrix saving us from the war with the robots, and for his endless donations of vaginas to trans women in need. I for one am fine with his name being on my vagina.


  • This is what winning looks like

    So much winning, folks

  • I can't believe a video game made me trans

  • Blahaj


  • Why Are Kids These Days So Gay? - A Response to Bill Maher

  • Workers World Party intersex candidate opens Seattle City Council campaign

    Seattle Liv Morgan, an intersex Workers World Party member, declared her candidacy for Seattle City Council, District 3, on May 25. Her campaign as an official write-in candidate is breaking new ground in the struggle of oppressed genders for representation, visibility and for socialism. A

    Workers World Party intersex candidate opens Seattle City Council campaign

    >Declaring her hatred for an Amazon-influenced Seattle leadership, which has caused the eviction and dislocation of many working-class people, Morgan said, “I want Seattle to be a socialist city.” She pointed out: “We have never had a mental health system in Seattle. We demand a large public mental health facility with counselors and therapists.” > >Morgan wants to extend and expand a tax on big companies like Amazon to provide vital services, including free public transit and affordable social housing. As one who has marched with Black Lives Matter against police murders, Morgan demands, “Defund and abolish the police!” and “Stop the brutal police sweeps of homeless camps, because without housing people die.” Her campaign calls for “full comprehensive rent control with no loopholes.” > >Morgan was active in the Capitol Hill Organizing Project (CHOP). which resulted in the cops vacating the local police precinct. She is a board member of Capitol Hill Pride and a member of Social Outreach Seattle. As a person who is partially of Ukrainian descent, Morgan has marched to protest the U.S.-led proxy war against Russia, saying the U.S. is using Ukraine as a political pawn, and accuses the Ukrainian leadership of specifically attacking intersex lesbians.

  • Laos to Celebrate Belated IDAHOBIT Day During Pride Month

  • One of the few flags that can be saluted

  • Heavenly delusion based?!?!?

    cross-posted from:

    > Watching heavenly delusion with my friends, one of the main characters is trans, transphobic "woke west is ruining Japan" weebs in shambles


    Also, use Linux, nerds.


    Do not allow yourselves to be split along vectors of oppression. Our intersections are stronger together.




  • The life and death of a transgender woman in the Third Reich Trans Liminality and the Nazi State

    Abstract. Weimar Berlin is considered a past haven of queer possibility, but for trans people its permissiveness had clear limits. A close reading of the life o

    Trans Liminality and the Nazi State

    cross-posted from:

    > :::spoiler [Excerpt] > >On 27 May 1937, R. was interned at Sachsenhausen concentration camp under protective custody. On 5 February 1938, R. and Gertrud were divorced. R. was released from Sachsenhausen six weeks later, on 22 March 1938, and by October that year Gertrud had remarried. > > > >R. believed that Gertrud was the one to denounce her to the Gestapo, a deep betrayal that had landed her in Sachsenhausen. According to R., Gertrud told the Gestapo that she knew nothing of R.’s gender non-conformity, claiming a narrative of ‘deceit’ that would have been familiar to the authorities. > > > >Up until this point in history, gender-crossing behaviours were often linked to espionage and theft. Claiming deceit would protect Gertrud from accusations of adultery and would legitimize her divorce and remarriage. > > > >Gertrud’s actions are less shocking when contextualized within the climate of fear in [the Third Reich], in which wider society functioned as an unofficial branch of the Gestapo, with neighbours and even loved ones denouncing those who did not belong in the Volksgemeinschaft. > > > >Gender nonconformity constituted a heightened ‘risk’ category in terms of drawing negative attention to visible queerness, and the practice of alerting gender non-conforming people to the police in [the Third Reich] was common, even within queer circles. > > > >[…] > > > >While interned in Sachsenhausen, R. continued to experience betrayal. Her mother, Alice, wrote letters to the Youth Welfare Office, who took R.’s children away from her. While her mother ‘did not care’ for the children emotionally, she gained custody of them when the state deemed both R. and her wife incapable of looking after them. > > > >Alice also cleared out all items from R.’s flat, removing her economic security and, according to R., pushing R. to ‘lose interest in life’. R. would later reflect on ‘what moves the woman to want to get rid of me’, because Alice ‘continued to work against’ R. after 1936. > > > >Despite her forced de-transition, R.’s mother continued to spurn her — the sharp break between the Weimar and [Fascist] eras blurred by the continuity in familial rejection. There is no downplaying the crushing reality of the post-1933 world. But for R. the significant watershed was 1936. The greatest losses were her gender and her closest relationships. > > > >Released from Sachsenhausen in March 1938, R. was now childless and partnerless. Yet she did not attempt to avoid repeat offences or reinternment after her stay at Sachsenhausen. As will become clear, R. suffered over the course of the ensuing years, but her life cannot be captured with the simple juxtaposition of a queer haven destroyed by the unyielding brutality of [anticommunist] violence. > > > >[…] > > > >For R., much of her personhood and self-worth was linked to her being allowed to live as a woman. Through her de-transition, she had suffered a profound deprivation of humanity. It also signalled a change in her personality and personal relationships. While the [Fascist] state heterogeneously persecuted R. from this point onwards, her de‐transition evoked greater personal and interpersonal damage than direct forms of punishment and incarceration. > > > >R.’s emotional state in 1941 was bleak: not only could she no longer live as the gender that gave her the most self‐worth, but she was also alone, plagued by voices that buttressed her sense of worthlessness, abusing alcohol to stem the feelings she could not bear, without the resilience necessary to prevent herself acting on self-destructive behaviours. > > > >In the eyes of the court, repeated imprisonment and internment had not altered R.’s behaviour, indicating the need for alternative measures to be taken. The judge overseeing R.’s prosecution in 1941 therefore saw no use in further carceral punishment, and instead sent for her to be psychologically assessed so that she might be sent to a psychiatric institute. The presiding judge for her previous offence had also had R.’s ‘state of mind’ assessed. > > > >In 1938, Dr. Frommer had produced a highly detailed report, which concluded that R. was a transvestite and a masochist. Dr. Fommer noted that R. had an ‘abnormality of the sex drive’, but she was ‘certainly not a dangerous moral offender in the sense of the relevant provisions of the penal code’. This was Dr. Frommer’s way of absolving R. of accusations against §175 while still acknowledging her unorthodox sexual tastes. > > > >[…] > > > >R. was not a prized Volksgenosse (member of the people’s community) of the SS ilk, nor homosexual, but she was ‘Aryan’ and unstable. Indeed, these characteristics played a central rôle in her treatment. > > > >Jennifer Evans’s work has shown that transvestism was of ‘the worst kind’ when perceived as an act of homosexual prostitution. But the contrast of this with R.’s case confirms Jane Caplan’s hunch that there was no decisive and uniform response to transness from the [anticommunist] state. > > > >This mirrors Samuel Huneke’s formulation of the ‘heterogeneous persecution’ lesbians were subject to in the Third Reich, wherein how lesbians were treated differed greatly depending on the categories additional to ‘lesbian’ that were assigned to them. > > > >R. occupied a liminal place in the [Fascist] carceral system. She was not clearly criminal (homosexual), but was a public nuisance to the Volksgemeinschaft; she had an ‘abnormal sex drive’ and was a Transvestit, but she was worthy of medical care and treatment, and given a chance to re-establish her place in [Fascist] society. > > > >[…] > > > >On the morning of 12 March 1943, R. was found hanging in one of the toilet cubicles in the Wittenau. The subsequent report stated that R. had committed suicide the night before and was found that morning by the caretaker. > > > >[…] > > > >R.’s gendered sense of self had tentatively found validation in the form of womanhood and femininity before 1936. But since that world had been flattened with the [Fascist] takeover, she could no longer inhabit it. Perhaps R. could no longer find a sense of place in the world or self within the gender binary, so she untethered herself from it. > > > >This can be interpreted as her letting go: a signal of her intentions in March 1943. If she could never see a future in which she could live again as a woman, she would be neither man nor woman — she would become nothing. > ::: > \ > While normally I’m impersonal when I comment on these anecdotes, I want to take this moment to express my deepest sorrow and sympathy for this poor woman. Gerd R., I am so, deeply sorry. You didn’t deserve the life that you got. Rest in peace, wherever you are.

  • Glædelig pride month alle sammen!

  • Archived link:

  • Overrepresented in prisons: LGBTQ2S+ people

    This article was originally published in Workers World on May 28, 2021 At every stage in the criminal injustice system, LGBTQ2S+ people are overrepresented, including within the juvenile justice system. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, this is true from arrest to sentencing to in

    Overrepresented in prisons: LGBTQ2S+ people

    >This disparity is driven by lesbian and bisexual women, who are 4 times as likely to be arrested than straight women (with an arrest rate of 3,860 per 100,000 compared to 860 per 100,000).


    >“Once behind bars, trans people face extremely high rates of harassment and physical and sexual assault, are frequently denied routine health care and are at high risk of being sent to solitary confinement. Black and Pink found that 44% of transgender, nonbinary gender and [Indigenous] Two‐Spirit [people] in their sample were denied access to hormones they requested.” (Prison Policy Initiative)

    This is slightly unrelated, but reading this I couldn’t help but be reminded of an unpleasant confrontation that I had years ago with a trans‐exclusionist on Fedbook. In my anger I showed her an example of a transgender person in prison suffering severe violence, telling her that she supported that. She just shrugged it off as ‘violence against men’, which is an excuse so fucking hideously lazy that I can’t even begin to describe it.

  • Class politics in beauty contest versus pride parade

    I had this reflection when discussing the subject of trans people participating in mass media beauty contest, with in mind the Miss Universe contest. This question is your typical imperial core opinion divider : a useless debate between two tendencies of the bourgeoisie.

    The truth is, there is no question whether or not trans women would be allowed to run because in fact this contest goes against everything the feminist and LGBT+ liberation movement is for.

    Historically, beauty competition were used at the height of society to match the most desirable women (matching body standards, pretty, but also witty and talented, but always docile, just like in the Misses contest) with the most powerful men. There would be "seasons" organised with dances and other events for the young men and women to socialise. When a men desired a young woman he would ask her father if his rank was high enough for him, and if the father thought his daughter might get better he could refuse. The life of the daughter was being gambled for prestige. The daughter was a transactional resource.

    The criterias of desirability haven't changed, objectification by quantifying their quality as individuals, physical and mental, is still the same. The ranking and comparaison, an assignment to an absolute, comparable and fungible value is still there. Miss Universe is in historical continuity of the practice, which explains why culturally no one cares about Mister Universe. Men don't have to be judged and standardized, men objectification exists but as a curiosity, something just for fun. For women it's part of their condition.

    The LGBT+ and feminist liberation movement stand against this standardisation. The beauty contest ought to be replaced by something that actually already exists: the pride parade. The pride parade is massive, inclusive, doesn't rank anyone, it just shows forms of beauty without judgement. The beauty contest is the bourgeois way of celebrating human beauty, by transforming standardized individuals into commodities with an assigned value. The pride parade celebrates beauty in its diversity, and provides intrinsic, non-fungible and incomparable value to individuals while including them in the mass instead of putting them above.

    Therefore the pride parade is proletarian, it is a manifestation of mass, a resistance against bourgeois historical values and practices. It is the proletarian way of celebrating beauty.

  • Repudiate the Anti-Queer Left

    > On The Question of The Homosexual and the Queer > > "Should we accept the Homosexual and the Queer into ranks?" > > The Anti-Queer Left states "No", to them they are nothing but perverts, unworthy of being deemed worthy of liberation. My response to this question is an irrefutable yes. > > Upon closer inspection, they are no different from a man of black skin, bound chains of iron, imperialism, and racism, 200 years ago. Their mere sexuality and views on gender - something worthy of admiration for their centuries of persistence - vitriolically scorned and shunned, all for what? For acknowledging that love and happiness - in the context of the date this essay is written - knows no gender and can be molded however pleased. > > Such is the stance the Anti-Queer Left - who are just as much of a sickness as dogmatism - upholds. They see homosexuality and queerness as equally scornful as pedophilia, without realizing that they are in no way the same. > > Pedophilia is nothing more than an urge by adults to exploit a group of vulnerable people who can be potentially damaged. > > To compare young homosexual love to that of pedophilia is utterly disgusting as unlike pedophilia, it involves a power dynamic in which all parties involve have bargaining power, something pedophilia [inherently] lacks.

    • Johanne L. L. Centino in the ProleWiki Discord (Me)
  • Finally! A nuanced view on representation!

  • LGBTQ Americans double in a decade - Gallup Poll

    According to the poll, 7.2% of Americans identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or other than heterosexual doubled (3.5%) in 2012.

    More than half of LGBTQ Americans in the poll identified as bisexual, accounting for 4.2% of all U.S. adults.

    Another 1.4% of Americans said they identified as gay and 1% said they were lesbian, while 0.6% identified as transgender, according to the poll.

    The increase in LGBTQ identification is largely being driven by younger generations. Nearly 20% of Generation Z adults — 19.7% — said they identified as LGBTQ in 2022, while 11.2% of millennials said the same.

    The LGBTQ community, particularly transgender individuals, have become a frequent target of legislation in GOP-controlled statehouses across the country.

    South Dakota became the sixth state in the nation to ban gender-affirming care for transgender youths earlier this month, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) last year banned the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity in Kindergarten through third grade classrooms, claiming the topics were “inappropriate.”

  • Books, bathrooms, bills − and bullets: a commentary Books, bathrooms, bills − and bullets

    “Senseless.” How many times have we heard that after a mass shooting? It’s like a broken record.  The word has been repeated many times after the Nov. 20 massacre of workers and customers at an LGBTQ+ bar in Colorado Springs, Colorado. President Joe Biden called the shootings at Club Q a “sens

    Books, bathrooms, bills − and bullets

    >The individual who pulled the trigger did not come from out of nowhere. The shooter acted in a political climate of anti-LGBTQ2S+ and especially anti-trans hatred, fostered by at least 344 bills in state legislatures this year; 25 of them have been passed.

  • Anticommunist massacres 5 & injures 25 in Colorado Springs LGBT club Not one more massacre!

    Another horrific massacre targeting the LGBTQ2S+ community began near the midnight hour between Nov. 19 and Nov. 20 — Trans Day of Remembrance 2022. A heavily armed shooter murdered five and injured 18 patrons of Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Two brave customers were able to subdue and disar

    >Club Q’s owners opened the bar in 2002 to provide a permanent safe space for the community and had planned to hold a drag brunch on Trans Day of Remembrance. The timing of the mass shooting is hardly a coincidence.

  • We in the U.S. Must Act for Trans Woman Jennifer Laude where Filipinos Cannot Anarchists and Antifascists in the U.S. Must Act for Jennifer Laude where Filipinos Cannot

    Editorial from the so-called Philippines, a former colony of the so-called United States, on the horrific, transphobic murder of Jennifer Laude by Joseph Scott Pemberton, a Lance Corporal in the US Marine Corps, on October 11th, 2014. Pemberton claimed "self-defense" in the murder of Laude for not "...

    Anarchists and Antifascists in the U.S. Must Act for Jennifer Laude where Filipinos Cannot

    >Pemberton committed a heinous hate crime by brutally murdering Jennifer Laude on October 11, 2014. Jennifer was murdered precisely because she was transgender, with Pemberton’s legal team even trying the so-called “trans panic” defense as a justification for her murder. The Philippine state appears to have sided with Pemberton’s excuse that Jennifer’s identity was a provocation in itself, inducing Pemberton to kill her. This defense frames Pemberton as the victim and sets a dangerous precedent for trans women in the archipelago and beyond. > >[…] > >There is still time to make up for this injustice. Do not allow Pemberton to forget the vile crime he committed. You must prevent Pemberton from committing harm again. You must petition Pemberton’s prospective universities and employers to not accept him on account of his violent past. You must picket his home with memorials to Jennifer Laude. You must reveal to the world what a hateful and spiteful little man he is. Above all, we ask you to remember Jennifer Laude as a victim of white supremacy and include her in your commemorations of the victims of white supremacy.

  • We march with Lenin

  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam advances LGBTQ+ rights Vietnam advances LGBTQ+ rights

    The Vietnam Ministry of Health ensured on Aug. 3 that members of the LGBTQ+ community will receive appropriate and respectful medical care. While legal protections of the Vietnamese LGBTQ+ community have been in place formally for several years, the application of these regulations has not be

    Vietnam advances LGBTQ+ rights

    >The Ministry sent its sharply worded document to all provincial and municipal health departments, health institutes, health examination and treatment units, with instructions to pass the information on to all health care providers under their management. To support the Ministry’s position that “homosexuality is not an illness and therefore cannot be ‘cured,’ need not be ‘cured,’ and there is no way of changing this,” it cited positions of the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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