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Typewise AI assistant
  • Thank you very much for this very complete answer, I will look for an alternative!

  • Typewise AI assistant

    Since I'm careful about the services I use, I switched my phone keyboard to Typewise, a Swiss company.

    They have an AI assistant function with OpenAI, is the data subject to Swiss or American regulations?

    Anyone interested in starting a cooperative business helping 🇪🇺 European companies and organizations migrate away from ⛓️‍💥 cloud platforms from USA?
  • It's a great idea. I work in an IT company and I think it's a shame that we only use American products. I'm afraid I don't have any skills to contribute to the project, but I'm interested in following the discussions!

  • Go European - Le mouvement qui veut libĂ©rer l'Europe de la tech amĂ©ricaine | Le site de Korben
  • C’est Ă  travers le subreddit du mĂŞme nom que j’ai dĂ©couvert Lemmy !

    Cependant je comprends que le fonctionnement par instances rebutent l’adhésion de masse.

  • Go European - Le mouvement qui veut libĂ©rer l'Europe de la tech amĂ©ricaine | Le site de Korben
  • Ça me semble ĂŞtre une excellente chose, cette prise de conscience de la part des EuropĂ©ens. Nous nous sommes longtemps reposĂ©s sur les produits amĂ©ricains au dĂ©triment de nos entreprises, alors que nous pouvons trouver d'excellentes solutions sur notre continent.

    Finalement, l'élection de Trump aura peut-être servi des causes positives 🤷🏻‍♂

  • afficher tous les commentaires avec l'interface photon
  • Pas Ă  ma connaissance !

  • Which shared calendar do you use?
  • Thank you, it's important if I want to contribute to the BuyFromEU community. I'm going to investigate further !

  • afficher tous les commentaires avec l'interface photon
  • Bonjour, je viens de modifier mes paramètres de langue dans Photon suite Ă  des recommandations d'une communautĂ© en anglais. Les paramètres rĂ©alisĂ©s sur Photon seront-ils pris en compte sur mon app Mlem ? Merci beaucoup !

  • Which shared calendar do you use?
  • I'm trying with "Auto" language setting, I hope it's better.

  • Which shared calendar do you use?
  • Thank you !

    Yes, you can link the classic American calendars, but you can also use the calendar provided by the app, which is not linked to these services.

    As for the language problem, I'll look into it, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm French in a French Instance ? I'm new to Lemmy.

  • Which shared calendar do you use?
  • For those who prefer apps, there's OurCal, developed by an English company. I've just started using it.


    The application looks quite ergonomic.