Old lady Gen-Xer (she/her). Web developer by day, adhd crafter and gamer by night. Happily married with dogs and vacations instead of kids. Favorite auntie. Looks great in hats. Is the bacon in LGBT.
Posts 2
Comments 4
Hot take: 18 years of user contributions to reddit will serve as a base model for an AI that generates content and conversations. the reddit experience continues as a simulation, to harvest clicks, sa 1 0
It's here already, congratulations. :D
If you take an oath on the Bible but don’t believe in it, does it count? 3 1
Penny at 8 weeks
Penny is a black lab/staffy mix. She's three years old now, and just her head is bigger than her entire body was back then.
Is there a way to control the feed? 6 0
There is a workaround while the bug is being fixed - change the end of the url to "/page/0" instead of "/page/1".