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Almost anything regarding Singapore Slightlyfamous

( what is the corporate tax rate on Singapore as well as the individual tax rate?

@singapore what is the corporate tax rate on Singapore as well as the individual tax rate?

Almost anything regarding Singapore geoffpetty

Why is a very rich country like Singapore doing so badly in decarbonising. They should be ahead of the game.

Why is a very rich country like Singapore doing so badly in decarbonising. They should be ahead of the game. @singapore

Almost anything regarding Singapore Alwyn Soh :verified:

( if we’re paying 5c for plastic bags, can they at least be biodegradable?

@singapore if we’re paying 5c for plastic bags, can they at least be biodegradable?

And how does the government think we should dispose of our trash? Buying biodegradable trash bags? Or using a pail then dumping them down the chute? #Singapore #FirstWorldProblems

Almost anything regarding Singapore Alwyn Soh :verified:

( Do those spam (robotic) calls pay when we pick up the call?

@singapore Do those spam (robotic) calls pay when we pick up the call?

Almost anything regarding Singapore unker73

( crispy prata.

@singapore crispy prata.

Yay or Nay?

Almost anything regarding Singapore unker73

( go on, check Japanese Yen rates and tell me you won't rush to the money changers

@singapore go on, check Japanese Yen rates and tell me you won't rush to the money changers