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Can you make it so we can chose what browser links open to, or create an internal browser option?

I don't like using Chrome anymore, but any link I open goes to Chrome. Way more importantly, any YouTube video opens to the YouTube app, which is a huge problem imo. I end up not viewing 90% of the videos posted on lemmy, because I don't want my YouTube feed to be screwed up.

Even innocuous content is a problem for me. Like, I may be interested in seeing a satisfying wood working video one time, but I don't want my feed thrown off.

As it stands, I pretty much only watch videos on this platform if there's a piped link accompanying them. My 3rd party app for reddit had the option of an internal browser, which I always used.

I love Jerboa, think it has the best UI, and recommend it all over lemmy. But I feel like it's lacking important features, without an internal video player, and less importantly an intenral browser for non-video links.

Even the implementation of a setting that would allow me to open links to Firefox instead of Chrome or YouTube would solve my problem.

Anyway, just a thought.

Edit: So I'm dumb and changing default settings in my phone solved that problem. I would still like to see an internal browser and video player tho.


Filter Out Entire Instances

In my All feed if there's a single community apart of a particular instance I can block it and have it filtered out of my feed no problem.

What I can't do is filter out all of the communities from a single instance. There are some themed instances that I know I do not want to see any posts from any of their communities. Not my cup of tea.

Atm I have to keep blocking their communities one at a time as they trickle into my feed. It would be nice if I could block them all at once based on the instance that they come from.


Jump to Comment from Inbox

Currently, I feel like it is difficult to navigate from the inbox to a specific reply in the thread. The usual control panel with upvote/downvote and the three dot options menu don't show up for comments on the inbox. I would love to be able to jump straight from a reply comment directly to the comment on the thread with context.


Translation feature

It would be great if a small translation icon is placed next to the posts and comments on the home page and a feature that translates it to the device language or the preferred language for translation from the settings is added when clicked.