My homie who just recently switched to Linux put me on

KDE Plasma with Plank dock, Plasmusic toolbar, AI generated wallpaper of Surge the Tenrec, Unimatrix, transfem Tails mod for Sonic 3 AIR
My first ever rice, on my first ever install of Linux, moments before I kill it with a system update.
Made this when I initially installed EndeavourOS awhile ago, unfortunately in recent versions of kwin the setup I'm using to round the corners of my windows and give them an outline no longer works, so I'll have to change it.
Seeing as I'll have to come up with something new soon, if anyone has any tips on how to make something better please let me know, personally I feel like I'm not using KDE's widgets to their full potential here, but I can't figure out how to add more without making it feel cluttered.
Sunset: Gruvbox, but golden

- OS: EndeavourOS
- DE: KDE Plasma
- Plasma Theme: Stone with modified color pallete which you can find in my dotfiles.
- Icons: GruvboxPlus
- GTK Theme: Gruvbox
- Terminal: WezTerm
- Shell: ZSH
- Terminal Multiplexer: Tmux
- Tmux Statusline: My Gruvbox fork
- Prompt: Powerlevel10k
- Editor: Neovim with NvChad
- Browser: Vivaldi
- Vivaldi theme: Sunset (created by me, including my background image with Gruvbox stripes with Vivaldi's logo)
- Spotify customization: Spicetify with Comfy theme, Sunset variant
- Discord Customization: BetterDiscord with Spectra theme
- Wallpaper: My own (The joke isn't mine, I just made the wallpaper)