Hacking yourself a satellite – recovering BEESAT-1
In 2013, the satellite BEESAT-1 started returning invalid telemetry, rendering it effectively unusable. Because it is projected to remain...
Oral history of Caroline Rose, writer of Inside Macintosh (2023)
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Beyond BLE: Cracking Open the Black-Box of RF Microcontrollers
Despite the recent popularity and breadth of offerings of low-cost RF microcontrollers, there is a shared absence of documentation for th...
Pegasus to Predator – The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS
My talk explores the trajectory of iOS spyware from the initial discovery of Pegasus in 2016 to the latest cases in 2024. The talk will ...
Breaking NATO Radio Encryption
We present fatal security flaws in the HALFLOOP-24 encryption algorithm, which is used by the US military and NATO. HALFLOOP-24 was meant...
BioTerrorism Will Save Your Life with the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective
Governments have criminalized the practice of managing your own health. Despite the fact that for most of human history bodily autonomy, ...
We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure
You've probably already heard the story: we got contracted to analyze a bunch of trains breaking down after being serviced by independent...
38C3: Blinkencity, radio controlling street lamps and power plants
A significant portion of Europe's renewable energy production can be remotely controlled via longwave radio. While this system is intende...
Libobscura: Cameras Are Difficult
I'm not big-brained enough to use cameras on Linux, so I decided to write my own camera stack (based on a real story). The libobscura ...
Liberating Wi-Fi on the ESP32
Reverse engineering the Wi-Fi peripheral of the ESP32 to build an open source Wi-Fi stack. During the 38c3, there are probably multiple ...
Demystifying Common Microcontroller Debug Protocols
Many developers know that the answer to "How do I debug this microcontroller" is either "JTAG" or "SWD". But what does that mean, exactly...
Breaking the Mirror – A Look at Apple's New iPhone Remote Control Feature
Exploring the security of the new iPhone Mirroring feature as well as the current threat model of the iOS ecosystem The tight integratio...
The hydraulic systems of the Alhambra Palace
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Better Scala Builds with the Mill Build Tool, Functional Scala Online 2024
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