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shoutout to walkthrough makers

These folks are so helpful. Double points if the walkthrough creators are the devs.

Sometimes I'll be willing to bash my head against the game, not sure why I keep hitting an end or outcome I do not want over and over again, but if I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong and get frustrated, help becomes very welcome, especially with otome. I like organically discovering which choice was the one that changed things enough to get a good end (or even a bad end I particularly want to see) but sometimes it is too difficult/time-consuming, and I need a little help. (And it's not a puzzle game so I feel okay doing it lol.) Sometimes I am enjoying the game but not enough to bash my head against bad endings repeatedly and will consult a walkthrough to get where I want to be sometimes.

Thank you to these people for saving me time and frustration. Sometimes I try to join them, adding information to a wiki or posting information that I have not seen online yet for certain games. It can be pretty fun!