Community icon/banner not showing uploaded image?

Right now, it shows a generic error image.
Are there specific resolution requirements, or?
EDIT: It solved itself. I guess Lemmy lags a little when propagating new community icons/banners.
Posts from a account seem to not be federating to remote instances right now
EDIT: Looks like this is resolved now. For future reference, I had checked [email protected], but I didn't think to check the announcements community, [email protected]. I'll try to remember to check that space next time before posting. Thanks for chiming in, everyone!
I've noticed the last two game day threads on [email protected] have not federated from my home instance (.ml) to either of the remote instances I've checked so far (<> and <[email protected]>).
The .ml posts' URLs are <> (from two days ago) and <> (from less than an hour ago).
The fact it's affecting multiple remote instances suggests that maybe there's some issue specific to .ml.
Searching recent support posts, I came across this federation health checker site, which indeed shows a spike in federation time from .ml to .world and, but it doesn't explain the cause.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Also, will the content eventually catch up on those remote instances or is it lost to the sands of time?
Depending on the answers to these questions, I might need to start posting from one of my alt accounts on another instance.
Thanks in advance.
Unable to federate with kbin instances?
Has anyone self-hosting Lemmy been able to federate with kbin instances? I subscribed to magazines on a few kbin instances (, and but they do not push new posts to my instance, while Lemmy instances have no problem.
Is it a known bug in kbin or Lemmy? Is there an issue with my install (which is behind a reverse proxy and WAF)? Is it a "feature" in kbin to stifle competition?
Update #1: I have been made aware (thanks @[email protected] and @[email protected]!) of a recent fix in the nginx config, but I don't think that's it: when looking at my reverse-proxy's logs, I don't even see any POST requests made to the inbox from kbin instances, so I believe they don't even try to push updates to me.
Update #2: Updating to Lemmy 0.18.1 resolved the issue!
Can't upload pictures
So I'm currently trying to set up an instance, and I'm unable to upload pictures. The following toaster appears:
And in the logs I see this:
2023-06-25T10:48:11.127198782Z 2023-06-25T10:48:11.127080Z WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Request error: error sending request for url (http://localhost:8080/image): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Address not available (os error 99) 2023-06-25T10:48:11.127262799Z Reqwest(reqwest::Error { kind: Request, url: Url { scheme: "http", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("localhost")), port: Some(8080), path: "/image", query: None, fragment: None }, source: hyper::Error(Connect, ConnectError("tcp connect error", Os { code: 99, kind: AddrNotAvailable, message: "Address not available" })) })
I have a pictrs container up, and set the following options in lemmy.hjson:
pictrs_config: { url: "http://pictrs:8080" api_key: "apikey" }
Also tried it with pictrs_url: "http://pictrs:8080"
(as described here), but that didn't help either.
Why is lemmy trying to access localhost:8080 rather than pictrs:8080?
Edit: This has been resolved, thanks to @[email protected]:
Question About Cloudflare and Federation
Hello, I've been trying to setup an instance and have been running into an issue with federation. Despite having federation enabled (in the site admin panel), I can't seem to fetch or load content from other instances. I've checked the wiki and verified the system time, internet connectivity, and backend availability (via curl). I have it currently setup through Cloudflare and I am wondering if that could play into the issue. Would Cloudflare inhibit federation communication? I'd imagine the instance-to-instance requests being sent from my server would have the true origin IP that wouldn't match the DNS records (which would reflect cloudflare's ip addresses). Matrix doesn't seem to have issues with Cloudflare when it comes to federation from my experience, but I thought it would be fair to ask in case there are differences I'm not aware about. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.
404: couldnt_find_community
I noticed that some communities on are unable to be seen on other instances. For instance, federating the lemmy
community works fine:[email protected]
But federating the kubuntu
community returns 404: couldnt_find_community
:[email protected]
I'm certain that second one should work... I've found perhaps two dozen other communities that have the same problem. Meanwhile, dozens of others work fine.
Edit: @[email protected] suggested I try searching for the community first. I had actually tried this but it didn't work, which is why I started trying the deep link approach above; that worked for some communities.
Turns out the deep link by itself will not discover new communities, only searching for them will, and the search can take a long time and will show "No results" for a little while.
So if you're experiencing this, search instead for [email protected]
from the remote instance, then the deep link will start working.