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Hello #monero Community:

Hello #monero Community: Newbie here.

I like monero and its working principle, especially since i'm from the EU, where you can't wipe your ass without first signing some KYC.

My question is: Why do you think Monero is lacking implementation? In my opinion it's hard to get monero (Localmonero or some Exchange) and even harder to spend it, especially once again in the EU where you can't have prepaid Monero Vida cards etc.

Are there any solutions to those problems?

\#xmr #localmonero @monero


Thank you to the ( devs for coding, and making an anonymous digiital currency that works well. ( (https

Thank you to the @monero devs for coding, and making an anonymous digiital currency that works well. #WellDone #Awesome

It can be used for all kinds of anonymous transactions that can be of positive outcome, I hope people can remember that! #Monero #CryptoCurrency


Onionket 5 is This Weekend, August 19th and 20th

Onionket 5 is This Weekend, August 19th and 20th

The 5th Onion Comic Market (or "Onionket") is coming up this weekend, and the event catalog is available for everybody to browse now. Over a dozen artists, writers, coders, and more share their work with the world, free from the fear of censorship.

Onionket is a decentralized, censorship-resistant online doujin/art festival hosted exclusively in the Dark Web. Onionket gives artists a SIMPLE, FREE, and CENSORSHIP-RESISTANT way to distribute their work. Using an open-source program called "OnionShare", each artist creates and hosts their own simple .onion website on the Tor network. Onionket collects and publishes a catalog of these links, allowing others to browse and access them.

Each site is totally under the artist's control, making censorship impossible. And being on the Tor network means heightened privacy for fans and artists alike. Many artists also have support links and wallet addresses for Monero and other cryptocurrencies, should any followers feel like supporting their work.

There's also the official Onionket 5 Livestream, hosted on PeerTube on Saturday, August 19th, from 2pm to 4pm, and again from 9pm to 11pm JST. Chat with circle owners and other participants will be available in the live window, as well as an OnionShare-powered Tor chatroom, a Session Closed Group, and an XMPP chatroom over Tor provided by our friends at Libreshack

The Onionket 5 catalog is now available on our main site, as well as mirrors on a noJavaScript page, a Tor onion site, and an i2p eepsite. Check out the circles, and if you see something you like, feel free to visit over the two days of the event.

Join Onionket, and together we can say NO to censorship



TOR http://cfxnvps5mxzdfh7aw5gwhhx2hmbr5vbww4m4m3znk6sjxnrd6l7bvnid.onion/catalog.html

I2P http://onionket.i2p/catalog.html



( (



\#Lemmy Привет добавление постов по ссылкам @monero


Talk at MoneroKon about SimpleX Chat current and future design (

Talk at MoneroKon about SimpleX Chat current and future design

@monero #privacy #security #messenger




Onionket: the Darknet Anti-Censorship Art Festival (prominently featuring XMR)


I'm the organizer of an event called "Onionket" (or "Onion Comic Market"). Onionket is a decentralized, censorship-resistant online doujin/art festival hosted exclusively in the Dark Web. Our goal is to provide artists with a simple, free, and censorship-resistant way to both share their work and receive support from their fans (if they want to). There's more detailed information available on our websites, for those interested:

MAIN - NoJS - TOR - http://cfxnvps5mxzdfh7aw5gwhhx2hmbr5vbww4m4m3znk6sjxnrd6l7bvnid.onion I2P - http://onionket.i2p

The event centers around using a software called OnionShare ( to easily create a simple .onion website to host and display one's work, plus any wallet addresses/QR codes/support links desired. The event then publishes a catalog advertising and linking to each artist's site.

We also host a Tor instance of a Fediverse software called "Mitra", which has several useful features that allow it to be used as an XMR-powered Patreon for artists. While the OnionShare sites only last the two days of the event, all participating artists are invited to create accounts on the Mitra server to share their work in the long term, and for fans to follow or subscribe to them using Monero.

Our Mitra server can be found here:


Any artists in the Monero community interested in participating, you're more than welcome to apply. And any XMR users, we'd be happy to have you as viewers and general participants. I'd like to do some small part to encourage a circular economy between artists and fans while cutting out the middlemen, censors, and moral busybodies who've been plaguing art communities online.



Here is some bots you can follow

Here is some bots you can follow


