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Settings Reset Periodically

For some reason (I’m suspecting after an app update?), sometimes I open the Voyager iOS app and all of my settings have reset. I browse in compact, so I know right away something is off because the post images are huge. I did visit inside the app browser inside Voyager app, maybe that did it?


Sharing images as images

I searched and found a post on the issue from months ago, but it seems to not have gotten attention from the devs.

It's really annoying to open an image, try to share it somewhere else, see the share sheet showing the image's information.. Just to have the link to it shared instead of the actual image.

Can there be a setting to choose which behavior you want to have for this, please? I imagine thare are people who'd rather share the links, but I think it's a good compromise to have a setting for it.


Best way to activate swipe back navigation gesture?

I keep trying different things and can’t figure out the best way to regularly activate the navigate back (swipe from left) gesture without activating the swipe to upvote gesture instead. It works great everywhere but in the comments or in a community trying to get back to the prior feed. I know there is a ticket, but does anyone have any suggestions?