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Scroll to top not working in 1.0.13?

Tapping the status bar no longer scrolls to the top like it did before. Is that an issue for anyone else? (iOS TestFlight version)


Installing the PWA from a self-hosted Voyager instance

I recently self-hosted Voyager and it was a very painless process, I'm very pleased!

I noticed some strange behavior: When I navigate to my Voyager instance from Chrome, everything works as expected. When I install the PWA from Chrome, the list of Lemmy instances doesn't match my CUSTOM_LEMMY_SERVERS variable; it's the same list as Then, if I navigate from Chrome to my Voyager instance, the list is now also the same as None of this happens if I install the PWA from Firefox (it seems that Firefox installs PWAs differently from Chrome though; it doesn't show up on the app drawer, for example).

I suspect the PWA doesn't actually come from my server when I install it from Chrome. Is this what's happening? Or am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: this issue is now fixed, build the Docker image from the source code to try it out. Thank you @[email protected]!


Can't see what Im typing when sending DMs

I can see text I’m typing while commenting or posting, but I’ve noticed the one place I can’t is while composing a DM. (As soon as it’s sent I can see what I sent - just not while writing it)

Its probably just something simple like black text on black background, but I understand if it’s low priority, since it’s not app-wide.

Thank you, aeharding, and all other devs submitting PRs. You’re doing great!

Edit: This has since been fixed, thank you!