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About Ganggangsullae, a Korean traditional circle dance and communal folk play of the harvest season

From the video description:

> Ganggangsullae [강강술래] is a seasonal harvest and fertility ritual popular in the south-western part of the Republic of Korea, performed primarily on Korea’s Thanksgiving [Chuseok] in the eighth lunar month. Under a bright full moon, dozens of young, unmarried village women gather in a circle, join hands and sing and dance all night under the direction of a lead singer. During interludes, the women playfully mime vignettes reflecting life in a farm or fishing village, including treading on roof tiles, unrolling a mat, catching a mouse or tying herrings. The dance takes its name from the refrain repeated after each verse, although the exact meaning of the word is unknown. Once a rare break from restrictive rules governing the behaviour of rural young women who were not allowed to sing aloud or go out at night, except during the Chuseok Thanksgiving celebration, the ritual is mostly preserved today by middle-aged women in cities and taught as part of the music curriculum of elementary schools. Now practised as a performing art throughout Korea, it can be seen as a representative Korean folk art. It is an important hereditary custom drawn from the rice culture that pervaded daily life in the countryside. The easy tunes and movements can be learned quickly for this communal practice that contributes to harmony, equality and friendship among the women dancers.


"Our School" (우리학교) about a school for Koreans in Japan and their visit to DPRK (Korean and Japanese language) 1차시 영화 요약 ㅣ 우리학교 [경계없는학교]

1차시 영화 요약은 좋은 영화를 발굴하고 그 영화를 1차시에 처음부터 끝까지 볼 수 있도록 요약하고 있습니다. 보통의 경우 먼저 영상을 제작하고 후에 1차시 영화 요약을 업로드 할 예정입니다. 기회가 된다면 꼭 요약본이 아닌 전체 영화도 보시기를 권합니다. 감독의 연출 의도와 메시지, 1차시 영화 요약에서 담지 못한 작은 자들의 이야기도 보시기를 부탁드려요.

1차시 영화 요약 ㅣ 우리학교 [경계없는학교]

This is a documentary showing a school for Zainichi Koreans as well as following the students when they visit DPRK (@30:53 if you want to see that part). This 45min video is an abridged version of the full documentary which came out in 2006.

The Japanese word Zainichi (在日) means "residing in (zai) Japan (nichi)". The Korean equivalent is 재일, which has the same meaning.