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Thank you for the gift, Vivaldi! ( ( (

Thank you for the gift, Vivaldi! @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser #vivaldi


Testing out ( on (

Testing out #VivaldiSnapshot on #iOS Also one thing I want to mention is if Vivaldi will change Chrome UI from it’s menus. I’d like to see Vivaldi to make its own UI for future updates. @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser


I been using the browser for few days. I noticed it takes more than 1GB on my iPhone and iPad already and keep increasing even after i clear all history, restarting the devices didn't help. Is this a

I been using the browser for few days. I noticed it takes more than 1GB on my iPhone and iPad already and keep increasing even after i clear all history, restarting the devices didn't help. Is this a bug? @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser


Ei ( ( Where is my "return " ??

Ei @Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser Where is my "return " ??


Tiens je vais parler rapidement de navigateur internet.

Tiens je vais parler rapidement de navigateur internet.

Depuis plusieurs années, j'en ai testé de nombreux. Edge, @Vivaldi, Firefox et ses variantes (Pale Moon), Opera, Brave, Safari, la beta de DuckGoDuck...bref j'ai visé large.

Mais au bout d'un moment, il faut faire son choix, il faut poser ses valises. Bref, j'ai décidé d'arrêter mon vagabondage. @vivaldi\_browser sera bien mon navigateur principal. Et en secondaire je garde Edge (Windows 11, pas le choix) et Firefox😎



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@Vivaldi @vivaldi\_browser Just a thought on a feature. In Firefox I had an add-on called account containers. This allowed me to place sites into a container so that they were isolated. Other sites couldn't see the cookies etc. Stopped cross site stuff. This resulted in added security. Obviously you don't write add-ons but that sort of thing is useful, or does Vivaldi already do this in some way?



NEWS 😉 Les "Espaces de travail" de @vivaldi\_browser ( @Vivaldi ) ❗ ➡️


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@vivaldi\_browser @Vivaldi

Why does my desktop sync. keeps deleting? I need to fill in my password every time I use my browser because it just will not stay logged in !