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Here are some glitches I've found so far that are fun and interesting.

  • Food Refresh >Press sort or move your food outside your inventory. It will be back @ 10:00

  • Pal-Catch Jump >Throw a palsphere at any pal, then climb on top of the sphere. When it finishes shaking it will launch you flying into the sky - very goofy.

Synergies with the next glitch

  • Faster Sliding/Gliding >Press 'C' to slide. When you slide down an incline, you pick up radical speeds. You retain speed as long as you never start walking. At max speed, feel free to jump into a glider and you will retain your speed. Combine these two glitches. Find any of those Simba rocks jutting out of the ground or possibly use the bottom side of a roof ramp. Position your pal-capture underneath, then rocket into it. Inconsistent, but if you hit the right angle you will redirect your momentum horizontally.

  • Underwater Base >Reddit warning: Here is the source for this glitch. I've been under the ocean, but not in the rivers. Pretty cool!

  • Wall-Clip >Summon a mountable pal near a wall, preferablly with terrain above the spot. Your pal should clip into the wall. Mount it to get inside. You'll have to do this to get back into terrain, but the dungeons have holes you can climb into. Worth noting, you can skip dungeon boss rooms by doing this. Additionally note that dungeons only despawns if the boss dies. Please use responsibly online.

  • Craft while AFK >Only on steam. While crafting, hold Shit+Tab to overlay steam. You can now walk away without additional help. Do not press certain buttons like Alt+Tab or it will stop! Use the steam browser if you must.

  • Infinite Arrows >Charge your arrow and aim. Instead of firing, switch to another tool. You will start swinging wildly, but also you'll notice your enemy took damage. Swap back to the bow and repeat forever.

  • Summon 2 Pals >This requires an incapacitated pal in your party as well as any mountable pal you'd like to follow you... Summon your mountable pal as you swap (1&3/DPad) to your incapacitated pal. Immediately mount your pal, then get off. Immediately summon your additional pal. The first pal will continue to follow you :)

  • Duplicate Materials >This requires a palbox & storage. Build storage on the edge of your base and put your mats inside. Every attempt, dump all of your relevant building materials into this storage. Choose a build which costs a lot of mats like a silo (100 fiber + stone + ingots). Walk outside your base and the moment you pass the blue line, press RMB to place. You will A) Fail to place; Adjust & try again... B) Build and consume; Adjust & try again... or C) Build without consuming mats; Try again ;) The placement window is ultra tight. I either get 3 in a row or I fail until time loses all meaning.

That's all I know so far. Share more if you find anything cool!!! Formatting tips are also welcome lmao

[RIP Infinite Sphere Glitch 1.0.0 - 1.3.0]