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Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Run a monero node with the CLI

This is very simple.

  • Get the monero-cli binaries.
  • Unzip and go inside the directory before opening a terminal session.
  • ./monerod --rpc-bind-ip --data-dir /directory/you/choose.
This will run a monero node, the RPC will be accessible on and the blockchain location where you specified before.
If you want to make the RPC accessible from outside your local network, follow this tutorial
Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Make a monero wallet with the CLI. on Linux

This tutorial will show you how to:

  • Run monero-wallet-cli.
  • Generate a wallet securely, by adding entropy to ensure the private-key randomness.
  • Backup, Restore a wallet.
  • Connect our wallet to a monero node over Tor.

Step 1 - Get the monero software

Step 2 - Run monero-wallet-cli

Let's run monero-wallet-cli by typing:

  • $ ./monero-wallet-cli
The software will directly ask you the wallet filename to open or typing a name to create a new one. In our case we just close the software.

Step 3 - Create a new wallet:

We will do it offline and by generating it with our own entropy, by rolling a dice in the real life.

3.1 Making our own entropy

It's very easy. Create a new file, roll a dice and write results in. More you rolled your dice more the seed generation will be randomized.

3.2 Generate the wallet

Save the file and now, let's run our wallet offline, while specifying the filename entropy, for this wallet generation:

  • $ ./monero-wallet-cli --offline --generate-new-wallet <name-of-the-new-wallet> --extra-entropy <entropy-filename>
The wallet's console will ask you a password, the seed mnemonic words language and you now can exit the wallet after you wrote the displayed words on something safe.

Step 4 - Restore the wallet

Simple specify you want to restore a seed and the mnemonic language you choose when generating a new wallet

  • $ ./monerod --generate-new-wallet <name-of-the-new-wallet> --restore-from-seed --mnemonic-language <lang>
Mention the seed and the password you want when it's prompted and the wallet will be restored.

Step 5 - Open a wallet

Mention the filename (+ the directory if needed) of your wallet when running monero-wallet-cli.

  • $ ./monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file <(/directory/)filename>
Put the password when its prompted and you'll be on your wallet.

Step 6 - Connect the wallet to a node over Tor.

Mention the SOCKS proxy wanted (Tor in our case, follow this guide if needed), deactivate DNS requests since you're connecting to a hidden-service, mention the RPC's hidden-service and mention if the RPC is trusted or not. If you don't host the RPC you're going to connect to, put untrusted. Why not mentioning the wallet file.

  • $ ./monero-wallet-cli --wallet-file <filename> --proxy --no-dns --daemon-address xxxxx.onion:port --(un)trusted-daemon

Step 7 - Generate a new address

  • address new

2 (the index number of the sub-address) 86WR4xz5zmR7JXSmMtt5hucYMwKCUmnFz2nHN5xagVGoX6s3T5UKwZYJK2USYeFZvFCSYRdivVSszVpJeBYmyUrb239edhy (Untitled address)

To see all your generated address, do:

  • address all

Step 8 - Transfer funds

We're going to send funds to the previously generated address

  • transfer 86WR4xz5zmR7JXSmMtt5hucYMwKCUmnFz2nHN5xagVGoX6s3T5UKwZYJK2USYeFZvFCSYRdivVSszVpJeBYmyUrb239edhy (the address) 0.0019 (the amount)
  • Wallet password: put your password

Transaction 1/1: Spending from address index 1 Sending 0.001900000000. The transaction fee is 0.000030680000

  • Is this okay? (Y/Yes/N/No): put yes

Transaction successfully submitted, transaction <010f4b949a6406b39618de93d05aee2af3aef0c5970946b92e3beb8d3f75452b>

Step 8.1 - For looking up a transaction
  • show_transfer the TxID

Outgoing transaction found txid: <010f4b949a6406b39618de93d05aee2af3aef0c5970946b92e3beb8d3f75452b> Height: 3030992 Timestamp: 2023-12-02 18:30:37 Amount: 0.000000000000 Payment ID: 0000000000000000 Change: 0.001969320000 Fee: 0.000030680000 Destinations: 86WR4xz5zmR7JXSmMtt5hucYMwKCUmnFz2nHN5xagVGoX6s3T5UKwZYJK2USYeFZvFCSYRdivVSszVpJeBYmyUrb239edhy: 0.001900000000

Step 8.2 - See your transaction history
  • show_transfers

3030982 in unlocked 2023-12-02 18:02:38 0.002000000000 45f34edd9ac01b4d1e71e1e06f6865e12188796060e6901a20072791215a09d4 0000000000000000 0.000000000000 8493i9:0.002000000000 1 - 3030992 out - 2023-12-02 18:30:37 0.000000000000 010f4b949a6406b39618de93d05aee2af3aef0c5970946b92e3beb8d3f75452b 0000000000000000 0.000030680000 86WR4xz5zmR7JXSmMtt5hucYMwKCUmnFz2nHN5xagVGoX6s3T5UKwZYJK2USYeFZvFCSYRdivVSszVpJeBYmyUrb239edhy:0.001900000000

Step 9 - Prove you spend a transaction

  • get_spend_proof 010f4b949a6406b39618de93d05aee2afraef0c5970946b92e3beb8d3f75452b
  • Wallet password: put your password

signature file saved to: monero_spend_proof

  • $ cat monero_spend_proof 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

To verify the spend proof:

  • check_spend_proof 010f4b949a6406b39618de93d05aee2afraef0c5970946b92e3beb8d3f75452b 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
Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Make a monero multisig wallet with the CLI

Before starting this tutorial, beware because theres vulnerabilities in the multisignature. I only had to follow this tutorial to do it without issues/bugs. This is not a common multisig method it does by secret-splitting methods.

Step 1 - Creating wallets

  • ./monerod --offline (you need to create new keypairs for a multisig)
Inside the wallet's console
  • set inactivity-lock-timeout 0 (deactivate the wallet autolock feature)
  • set enable-multisig-experimental 1 (to unlock multisig)

Step 2 - Preparing the multisig

  • prepare_multisig will return you an "intitialization key" (starting with MultisigxV2R) . Do it on each wallet you want in the multisig and note theses somewhere.

Step 3 - Make the multisig

  • make_multisig (how many keys to unlock the signature) init-key-2 init-key-3 (ect..).
Be sure you do this on every wallet. Don't add the init-key belonging to the same wallet (add init-key of the wallet 2 and 3 to the wallet 1 ect..)
The console will again return you a new key (starting with MultisigxV2R) on each wallet you need to note somewhere.

Step 4 - Exchanging multisig keys

  • exchange_multisig_keys key-2 key-3
The console will again return you a new key (starting with MultisigxV2R) on each wallet you need to note somewhere.

Step 4.1 - Exchanging (a second time multisig keys)

  • exchange_multisig_keys key-2 key-3
The console will return you the multisig's type and the multisig's address
Once you did that (on every wallet) it will diplay:
  • Multisig wallet has been successfully created.
  • Current wallet type: n/n
  • multisig address: (a xmr address)

Step 5 - Receive funds

Just generate a new address by typing

  • address new

Step 6 - Sign a multisig transaction

In first, refresh your balance

  • refresh
6.1 Exporting partial key-images

On every wallet, do:

  • export_musig_info a-filename-you-choose
6.2 Importing partial key-images

Now import partial key images in every wallet

  • import_multisig_info a-filename-you-choose a-filename-you-choose (you can add multiple keys at the same time)
Once it's done your spendable outputs will be verified & ready to be spent.
6.3 Signing the transaction
  • transfer <address> <amount>
Once the transaction is "confirmed" by entering the password, it'll generate a partially signed transaction with the multisig_monero_tx filename. Now sign the transaction with each wallet (required to treshold):
  • sign_multisig multisig_monero_tx
And then you can broadcast it
  • submit_multisig multisig_monero_tx
It'll return the TransactionID

Step 7 - Backup a multisig wallet

A multisig mnemonic is very specific. It's not words it's a long key so beware of how you store it.

  • seed
Write the key somewhere safe
7.1 Restoring the multisig wallet
  • ./monerod --restore-multisig-wallet
Write the key when it's prompted, refresh the wallet and go back to the Step 6.1 if you want to spend funds.

Here's an example of a 2/3 multisig

Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Privacy on Monero: What you should and what you should not.

Monero isn't private ?

it's private, but a bad usage can lead to being deanonymized.

Ok then what i should do ?

You mean what you should not ?

  • Do no KYC related to cryptocurrency: if you can avoid it then you're not recorded as a monero user (simple as this).
  • Do no CEX -> CEX XMR swaps: you have (for the minimum) to split the amount and churn funds or RingSignatures wont help you.
  • Do not reuse an address: always generate a new-subaddress when it's a private payment (like it's not a donation address).
  • Do not consolidate UTXOs: spend them one-by-one.
  • Don't broadcast transactions to a remote-node without Tor or I2P: FeatherWallet for the win.
What you should do:
  • Move received funds to new addresses at random timings.
  • Use your own node (local/self-hosted node).
  • Keep using NoKYC services.
Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Buy &amp; Sell Monero without KYC

Why should you only buy NonKYC XMR ?

  • Because being KYC is painful and takes time.
  • Not having your identity leaking somewhere leading to an identity theft.
  • Partially reveal how many XMR did you get.
Method 1: Mine it.

Mine it so you earn XMR take a good PC config (Good CPU, some RAM) and mine on P2Pool. Be sure your configuration is making a higher ROI than you invest

Method 2: Simply earn it.

It's a currency, that means you can earn XMR, trough good and services. No need of any bank account, just buy goods with cash and sell theses for monero or some regular services.

Method 3: NoKYC swappers and P2P trades.
  • To buy/sell monero for a lot of different cryptos, you can check MajesticBank & Intercambio.
  • To buy/sell for cash or other FIAT payment methods, take a look on AgoraDesk to find wire bank or cash by mail P2P trades.
Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Make a Tor hidden-service for the RPC interface of your monero node + proxify transactions.

Why i should make a hidden-service for my RPC endpoint ?

Because it gives you a private and secure access to your node.

Step 1: modify torrc to activate the hidden-service

In your terminal, install Tor and modify your configuration using nano

  • sudo apt install tor
  • sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

Now, in the hidden-service section, remove the hashtags to activate your hidden-service, replace the defaults ports for 18081 (the default port number used for the RPC) and save the file.

  • HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
  • HiddenServicePort 18081
Step 2: restart Tor & get the hidden-service

Restart the service and then open the "hostname" file to get your hidden service.

  • sudo service tor start
  • sudo nano /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
Step 3: start your monero node & proxify transactions over Tor

Bind the localhost interface with the --rpc-bind-ip arg of monerod and proxify your transactions over Tor with the --tx-proxy arg.

  • ./monerod --rpc-bind-ip --tx-proxy tor,
Step 4: connect your wallet to your node

Use FeatherWallet, go in the network-settings, in the proxy tab add a Tor SOCKS5 proxy (, check the only connect to .onions and start a bundled Tor router boxes.

Now in the nodes tab, add (your_hidden_service).onion:18081 as your remote-node and you can now use your node over Tor !