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Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Run a monero node with the CLI

This is very simple.

  • Get the monero-cli binaries.
  • Unzip and go inside the directory before opening a terminal session.
  • ./monerod --rpc-bind-ip --data-dir /directory/you/choose.
This will run a monero node, the RPC will be accessible on and the blockchain location where you specified before.
If you want to make the RPC accessible from outside your local network, follow this tutorial
Monero tutorials and directory obitor_xmr

Make a Tor hidden-service for the RPC interface of your monero node + proxify transactions.

Why i should make a hidden-service for my RPC endpoint ?

Because it gives you a private and secure access to your node.

Step 1: modify torrc to activate the hidden-service

In your terminal, install Tor and modify your configuration using nano

  • sudo apt install tor
  • sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

Now, in the hidden-service section, remove the hashtags to activate your hidden-service, replace the defaults ports for 18081 (the default port number used for the RPC) and save the file.

  • HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
  • HiddenServicePort 18081
Step 2: restart Tor & get the hidden-service

Restart the service and then open the "hostname" file to get your hidden service.

  • sudo service tor start
  • sudo nano /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
Step 3: start your monero node & proxify transactions over Tor

Bind the localhost interface with the --rpc-bind-ip arg of monerod and proxify your transactions over Tor with the --tx-proxy arg.

  • ./monerod --rpc-bind-ip --tx-proxy tor,
Step 4: connect your wallet to your node

Use FeatherWallet, go in the network-settings, in the proxy tab add a Tor SOCKS5 proxy (, check the only connect to .onions and start a bundled Tor router boxes.

Now in the nodes tab, add (your_hidden_service).onion:18081 as your remote-node and you can now use your node over Tor !