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Is the new #zed editor mostly hype rn?

Is the new #zed editor mostly hype rn?

I can believe it’s good and cool ( built in graphics and collab seem to me like good ideas).

But as someone who happily stayed with sublime (with LSPs a likely game changer) …

takes like “it’s fast!”, “LSP!”, “it now has snippets!” … along with people telling me it has a plug-in system, but doesn’t (cf python/lua runtimes of sublime/nvim) give me massive hype vibes and honestly just feels very “2020s-tech”.




Did #julialang end up kinda stalling or at least plateau-ing lower than hoped?

Did #julialang end up kinda stalling or at least plateau-ing lower than hoped?

I know it's got its community and dedicated users and has continued development.

But without being in that space, and speculating now at a distance, it seems it might be an interesting case study in a tech/lang that just didn't have landing spot it could arrive at in time as the tech-world & "data science" reshuffled while julia tried to grow ... ?

Can a language ever solve a "two language" problem?



End-to-End Arguments In System Design

End-to-End Arguments In System Design

Awesome paper clearly articulated.

This article reminds me how demoralising finding work feels for me sometimes. I wish I could put something on a résumé that says I appreciate this kind of system thinking. Who cares how many years of programming in a specific language, or which "well-known" companies someone has worked at? It feels like hiring journalists based on their years of experience with pencils.

@programming #programming


Why We Can't Have Nice Software

Why We Can't Have Nice Software

From Andrew R. Kelley, he's the author of the Zig language



Profile Guided optimisation with Go

Profile Guided optimisation with Go An article from a mate of mine from the Sydney Go programmers meetup (in Australia). #golang





Looks like you can follow entire lemmy communities right in mastodon. I followed ( and all posts to that community are showing up in my feed.

Looks like you can follow entire lemmy communities right in mastodon. I followed @programming and all posts to that community are showing up in my feed.


Test post please ignore

Test post please ignore

@programming @webdev