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He lives in Nevada, she lives in Ireland. He's single and is going to graduate college this summer and do "remote work" in IT. He's known for a long time she can't safely fly due to a nut allergy.



If you look this up, you will see that there's a multitude of reputable sources talking about this correlation. The correlation was fairly recently discovered. From what I've read on this subject, it is something to do with the magnetic fields interfering with the heart's natural electrical signals in the same way that these magnetic fields can cause power grids to malfunction or fail. I'm wondering if our sun entering a solar maximum could be behind the increase in fit and healthy young people dying from sudden heart problems in more recent times. The rate of fluctuation in severe geomagnetic storms can exceed five hundred nt per minute.






My friend died of a massive heart attack caused by magnetic fields produced during last week's severe solar flare. He was fit and healthy. On the day of the severe geomagnetic storm he had a massive heart attack and died. I spoke to his family, and according to them, the doctor told them that there's a significant correlation between solar flares and deaths from heart problems. Something about the magnetic fields short circuiting the heart's natural electrical signals. People also have more epileptic seizures during solar storms, too. My friend, who is a biologist and should really know better said it's all bs. She refused to even look it up and educate herself. She's no longer my friend anymore. It takes like five seconds to look this up and I expect Redditors would rather be ignorant than take a few seconds to look up the science on this. Lot of young healthy people suddenly having heart attacks and dying lately. We're in a solar maximum which means more solar flares, which means more heart attacks. Magnetic fields are very bad for us since our cells rely on electrical signals to work, and magnetism disrupts that.