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Necromunda - the cyberpunk side of Warhammer 40,000

I've always been intrigued by WH40k. I like how over-the-top everything is and how they'll shamelessly steal ideas from from Lovecraft, Dune, Star Wars, or any other franchise they want and somehow make it all work. But, personally, I've never been a fan of military sci-fi. So stories about the Astartes never really interested me and as a result, I only had a passing interest in WH40k. And then I discovered Necromunda.

To be fair, I only discovered the video game Necromunda: Hired Gun and while it looked like a cyberpunk game set in the WH40k universe, I thought Necromunda was just the name of this specific game (like how Darktide is just one game). But I recently learned that Necromunda is the name for an entire WH40k spin-off and Hired Gun is just one game set in that world. And my mind was blown.

From what little I know, Necromunda is absolutely cyberpunk. It takes place in a giant Hive City where the elite/rich live near the top in opulence while the poor live below the Hive City in ruins. And the story is basically about various gangs living in these ruins fighting with each other. With cyborgs, augmented humans, high tech gadgets, and whatever else they can shove into the story. It's over-the-top cyberpunk.

Of course, anyone familiar with WH40k is probably already aware of Necromunda, but it's all completely new to me. And while I don't play TTRPGs, I'm curious to learn more about this world. I found there are 28 books set in the Necromunda universe but I wouldn't know where to start. So for anyone who was already aware of Necromunda, can you recommend any books to me? Are any of them good?


From ER to VR


Ghost in the Shell timelines/continuities

I have no idea who made this but I found it on reddit and decided to share. Here's the full-size image for those who want to zoom in.

We can argue which GitS work is the best but I enjoy all of it. Even bad GitS is better than most anime. And I'd argue the live action movie would've been better received if it didn't have the high expectations of being a GitS adaptation. It's still a fun sci-fi movie.


Cyberpunk City by Artur Sadlos

I know posting cyberpunk artwork is the quickest way to get those precious upvotes, but I don't like posting random art for no reason. I'd rather find an actual artist's work that happens to be cyberpunk than some AI-generated thing or someone who spent an hour learning Blender and posted the results. Of course, sometimes it's hard to tell when looking at a piece of art how much effort actually went into it.

With that said, I'm pretty sure this artwork was done by an actual professional. Yes, this picture was posted on deviantart but the guy has a lot of other work there and seems to be using his actual human name rather than some avatar.

I know I could've posted this picture without going on a little rant, but I typically spend a lot of time thinking about each post before making it so just posting a random picture I found on the internet feels so lazy to me. I'm not opposed to others posting artwork here, but I try to have a reason to post something (to start a discussion) and I've got nothing with this one. It's just another "person looking out over cyberpunk city" motif, of which there are thousands, but I like this one.


My attempt at a new icon for this community

Last week, I tried describing what I was thinking for a new logo for this community. Here's my attempt at showing what I was thinking. Yes, it's very amateurish and I would love for someone to make it better, but it shows my intent. Also, I think it's somewhat recognizable when shrunk down: !

I'm still open to the idea of others creating a new icon, but if I don't get anything else I might use my mod powers to declare that by unanimous consent everyone agrees my half-assed icon is the best.


Move Forward by Beeple

Beeple makes a picture every day and a lot of them are cyberpunk. Of course, a lot of them are also just... weird. So it's hit or miss (much like my posts to this community!).

You can see his artwork on his Instagram page or his personal website.


Cover art for William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy, by Deathburger

These are the cover artworks for Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive by Josan Gonzalez (Deathburger). The covers were used for the Brazilian reprints.

Deathburger makes a bunch of cyberpunk art in this style and he posts a lot of it to his Instagram page.


Shadowrun art from Super Famicom game

The SNES version of Shadowrun doesn't really give you any idea what the game is !

At least the Super Famicom version gave you an idea of what the world looked like !



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Cyberpunk madness

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Tattooed woman with a weapon

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Dystopian cyberpunk cityscape

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Cyber street

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Cyberpunk night 2

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