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Posts don't appear in account section

Going to my account I can see all the comments I've made, but not the posts, even though there's the posts count showing the correct value.


Seeing message context

I'm just trying to work out whether I'm missing something. When I get replies to my comments I would like to be able to tap the comment and be taken back to the original message so that I know what the reply is in reference to.

Is this something that I can do? I can't see an option but maybe I am missing something.

Solved: Thank you kind stranger.


Comment sorting vs Post sorting

I wish comments weren't sorted like the post setting. Is there a way to separate the sorting? In the comments, I always manually switch to TOP while leaving posts at HOT.


Shouldn't you rename your app " LIFTOFF FOR LEMMY" for better results?


Any idea when we'll be able to download pics?

I mean, i have tons of nf.... new cool content I would like to save 😄👌