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Page refreshes a minute or two after launching, returning to top of page interrupting scrolling

Not entirely sure if this is a Liftoff issue or something else, but when browsing posts after opening the app, the app refreshes and scrolls back to the top of the page seemingly at random. It makes using the app difficult, since it does so without prompting in the middle of reading througu the posts.


Default feed settings override selection in Everything feed

I have selected Subscribed as the default in my General settings:


When switching from my instance ( to the Everything feed, I end up in Subscribed no matter which option I choose in the menu shown below. This is expected behaviour if I select Subscribed but not for Local or All. With pictures:

Choosing one of these


Also leads to this result


I used Subscribed as an example, but the same thing happens with Local or All as default, then Local or All will be shown respectively.

The weird thing is, it only happens switching from my instance, not if I was in one of the feeds or already in Everything (so selecting the intended option again a second time works, but I guess that's not how it's meant to work).


Can't delete display name

I just tried to delete my display name in the account settings and it didn't work. I deleted the name in the box and pressed the save button at the bottom. Then I returned to my profile and the display name was still there. Refreshing and reopening the app didn't change that. Returning to the account settings, the display name was back in the box. I tried several times with the same results. Changing the name does work, but removing it doesn't. I thought at first it might just not be possible in Lemmy, but I successfully removed it in Jerboa.


The share menu available at the top of a community page shares the wrong address

If I go to [email protected] while I am logged in to my account and tap the share icon, it creates a link to [email protected] when it should be


Certificate problem in older Android devices (Android 6/7)

On my old Android device, it doesn’t load feed and I can’t log in. It gives this error message: > HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: certificate has expired(

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