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Antifa International - Maksym Butkevich is a Ukrainian human rights... Antifa International - Maksym Butkevich is a Ukrainian human rights...

Maksym Butkevich is a Ukrainian human rights activist who was captured in 2022 by Russian forces and sentenced to a 13-year prison term by a “court” in the Russian-controlled Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR). More details/how to write to Maksym:

Antifa International - Maksym Butkevich is a Ukrainian human rights...

[! Maxim Butkevich]( [! Russia](


Action in support of Azat Miftakhov in Warsaw #FreeAzat - Pramen Action in support of Azat Miftakhov in Warsaw #FreeAzat - Pramen

Anarchists held a solidarity action in Poland with an anarchist repressed in Russia. Azat received 4 years in prison immediately after his previous sentence for allegedly justifying terrorism. The report from the trial can be read on the autonomous action website.

[! Azat Miftakhov]( [! Russia](


Maxim Butkevich's unit arrived in Severodonetsk 10 days after the crimes he plead guilty to took place For Max

A veteran of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement of Ukraine, Maxim Butkevich, has been a prisoner of war of the Russian army for two years. Anarchists could write more about him, and my text about him also comes late, but there is little that can be done to help him. Listen in Spotify. After Rus...

For Max

Max's last known incarceration is in the disputed Luhansk region, occupied by Russian forces. [RUS] signals which government is ultimately responsible for their incarceration, and does not imply a territorial endorsement. is a website that hosts the Russian ABC.

[! Maxim Butkevich]( [! Russia](


Jailed Russian mathematician Azat Miftakhov given 4 more years in prison for ‘justifying terrorism’ Jailed Russian mathematician given 4 more years in prison for ‘justifying terrorism’ — Novaya Gazeta Europe

A court in Yekaterinburg sentenced Russian mathematician Azat Miftakhov to four more years behind bars on Thursday after finding him guilty of justifying terrorism for a conversation he allegedly had with fellow inmates, a group campaigning for his release reported .

Jailed Russian mathematician given 4 more years in prison for ‘justifying terrorism’ — Novaya Gazeta Europe

[! Azat Miftakhov]( [! Russia](


Fundraiser for the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui’s legal defence


Ilya Baburin Faces up to 26 years’ Imprisonment for a Firebomb Attack on a Military Recruitment Centre that did Not Happen


Fundraiser for the defence of anti-fascist Yuri Mikheev


Roman Paklin: electrocution forced him to fight for his health Roman Paklin: electrocution forced him to fight for his health

We call on all those who are not indifferent to support the fundraising campaign to pay for the lawyers of Roman and other defendants of the "Tyumen case". Today, 1st of January is the last day you may donate! Roman is an anti-fascist from Surgut, a vegetarian and sportsman, very kind, modest and ca...

Roman Paklin: electrocution forced him to fight for his health

Danil Chertykov: a talented doctor from Yekaterinburg was accused of terrorism in the fabricated Tyumen case Danil Chertykov: a talented doctor from Yekaterinburg was accused of terrorism in a fabricated case

Danil is a convinced anti-fascist from Yekaterinburg, a loving husband and devoted friend, the soul of any company. He is one of the best veterinarians in Yekaterinburg, specializing as an orthopedic surgeon. Before his arrest, he worked in two veterinary clinics. Being a leading specialist in veter...

Danil Chertykov: a talented doctor from Yekaterinburg was accused of terrorism in a fabricated case

The charges against the defendants in the «Tyumen case» have been toughened The charges against the defendants in the «Tyumen case» have been toughened

Recently, the defendants in the «Tyumen case» have received the final version of the charges.

The charges against the defendants in the «Tyumen case» have been toughened

Firefund announces crowdfunding to pay the lawyers of the "Tyumen case" - Deniz Aydin, Yury Neznamov, Danil Chertykov, Nikita Oleinik, Roman Paklin Firefund announces crowdfunding to pay the lawyers of the antifascists arrested in the "Tyumen case"

Firefund calls everyone to support the crowdfunding to pay the lawyers for the defendants in the "Tyumen case". The guys have been in pre-trial detention for more than a year and they will face trials on the merits of the case. Families and relatives will have to pay for the participation of lawyers...

Firefund announces crowdfunding to pay the lawyers of the antifascists arrested in the "Tyumen case"

Who is Kirill Butylin?

Address for letters to Kirill:

107996 Moscow, ulitsa Matrosskaya Tishina 18, SIZO-1, Butylin Kirill Vladimirovich (d.o.b. 2011).

Letters can be sent via the service and the RosUznik volunteer-run resource.

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Help the defendants of the "Tyumen case" in their fight for freedom Help the defendants of the "Tyumen case" in their fight for freedom

Six anarchists from Russia have been held in pre-trial detention for a year on spurious charges of creating a "terrorist community". According to Russian law, our comrades face a total of 5 to 15 years of imprisonment for the charged articles, and 15 to 30 years of life imprisonment for organizing o...

Help the defendants of the "Tyumen case" in their fight for freedom


> At the end of August 2022, the police detained K. Brick and D. Aydyn in a forest on the outskirts of Tyumen. During the search, the guys were found homemade explosives. Less than a day later, under the influence of physical and psychological violence (the boys were beaten and threatened with rape), both signed confessions that they were members of a "terrorist community" of anarchists and were planning sabotage in military enlistment offices, police departments and railroads. Within a day after the detention of K. Brik and D. Aydyn, the law enforcers detained N. Oleinik, R. Paklin, Y. Neznamov, and D. Chertykov. During interrogation, all four gave confessions. The interrogation took place several days after the detention and all this time our comrades were tortured, here is what the detainees wrote about it in their lawyer's interviews:

> «They took off my shoes and socks, soaked my feet in something, put some wires on the toes of both feet, and electrocuted me. I lost track of time, but it was very long. They said that I was a prisoner and that people like me should be shot. A man spoke to me without introducing himself. He started to give me a version of events, which I had to confirm when the investigator came.»

-- N. Oleynik

> «I was confused and asked why they were mocking me. There was no answer, they switched on the current again, but already stronger. It was very painful, there were strong cramps in my legs and back. Again, the same man asked me if I felt good, but he didn't turn off the current»

-- R. Paklin

> «After each electric shock, I had to shout that I loved Putin. They said that if I didn't die by morning, I would be crusted over. I can't describe what this pain can be compared to»

-- Y. Neznamov

> «I was punched several times in the face, forced to squat, filming everything on a smartphone camera. I squatted about 150 times, while a man in a balaclava was hitting my ankle with a baton. They said, «Be thankful you're sitting down now and not wallowing in your own piss and shit.»

-- D. Chertykov

> «First I was forced to strip naked and squatted. At the same time, they put my shoe on my head and told me that if the shoe fell down, they would use violent actions against me involving the insertion of objects into my rectum.»

-- D. Aydın

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Anarchist Lev Skoryakin kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan Anarchist Lev Skoryakin kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan

In night between 16th and 17th of October in Bishkek, according to DOXA, unknown people kidnapped activist of Left Bloc, anarchist Lev Skoryakin. Lawyers do not know about his whereabouts. In Russia, Skoryakin is accused of ”hooliganism with weapons”, due to action against a FSB office in the South-...

Anarchist Lev Skoryakin kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan

In night between 16th and 17th of October in Bishkek, according to DOXA, unknown people kidnapped activist of Left Bloc, anarchist Lev Skoryakin. Lawyers do not know about his whereabouts. In Russia, Skoryakin is accused of ”hooliganism with weapons”, due to action against a FSB office in the South-West of Moscow with another activist of the Left Bloc Ruslan Abasov. Skoryakin and Abasov were holding banners and burning flares at the office. They were remanded to Butyrka prison of Moscow but released court pending, and they escaped Russia. Skoryakin was arrested in absence in February 2022, and arrest warrant was issued in April of 2022.

In June, Skoryakin was arrested in Kyrgysztan due to international extradition request by Russia, but in September he was released from remand prison due to decision of general prosecutor of the Kyrgyzstan, which refused his extraction to Russia. Since then, Skoryakin stayed in Kyrgyzstan as asylum seeker, and his extradition to Russia is illegal. He also has obtained a traveling document and humanitarian visa from Germany, and was ready to travel from Kyrgyzstan to Germany. He received his traveling document 16th of October, but the very same day ten officials came to the shelter he was staying, presented themselves as officials of the Kyrgyzstan police and kidnapped Skoryakin.

While Vladimir Putin was visiting Kyrgyzstan, Lev Skoryakin was arrested but then released after two hours.

In end of June, anarchist Alexei Rozhkov, accused of arson attack against military enlistment office, was kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan. He was illegally extradited to Russia, tortured and remanded.

ABC Moscow

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Ilya Shakursky: letter to a friend

Address for letters: You can write a letter either through RosUznik, or the email service “Rodnaya Svyaz” (50 rubles per letter of up to 2,500 characters) or independently at the address: PKU IK-17 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Republic of Mordovia 431161, Zubovo-Polyansky district , p. Ozerny, st. Lesnaya, 3 Shakursky Ilya Alexandrovich, born in 1996

Sentenced to 16 years in a maximum security colony, a fine of 50 thousand rubles and restriction of freedom for 1.5 years on charges of organizing the activities of a terrorist community (Part 1 of Article 205.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), possession of weapons (Part 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and storage explosives (part 1 of article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Ilya Shakursky. Born on April 10, 1996 in the city of Moksha (Penza region. At the time of his arrest he lived in Penza. Student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Belinsky Pedagogical Institute of Penza State University. Environmental activist, adheres to anti-fascist views. At school, Shakursky gathered his classmates and went with them to clean the Moksha River. Writes poetry and prose. Detained on October 19, 2017 by FSB officers as part of an investigation into the so-called “Network” case. Arrested. During the investigation, Shakursky was tortured: beaten, shocked, hung upside down.

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Russia Sentences Ex-Officers Roman Nasryev and Alexei Nuriev to 19 Years Over Anti-Mobilization Arson Attack Russia Sentences Ex-Officers to 19 Years Over Anti-Mobilization Arson Attack - The Moscow Times

A Russian court has sentenced a former security service officer and a former emergencies officer to 19 years in prison each for setting fire to a city administration building last fall, Russian media reported Monday.

Russia Sentences Ex-Officers to 19 Years Over Anti-Mobilization Arson Attack - The Moscow Times

Who Is Roman Nasryev? Who Is Roman Nasryev?

Roman Nasryev. Photo courtesy of Solidarity Zone Who is Roman Nasryev? On 11 October 2022, amidst the recently announced military mobilization, Roman Nasryev and his friend Alexei Nuriyev broke a w…

Who Is Roman Nasryev?

Raising funds to pay for a lawyer for Mikhail Lazakovich Raising funds to pay for a lawyer for Mikhail Lazakovich

18-year-old Mikhail Lazakovich from Tver, was detained on May 9 on suspicion of setting fire to a military recruitment center in Likhoslavl, 50 km from Tver. On the advice of his appointed lawyer, the young man did not deny his involvement in the arson. However, instead of the promised mitigation of...

Raising funds to pay for a lawyer for Mikhail Lazakovich

“Everybody out!” The case of Ruslan Zinin, the man who shot and nearly killed a draft officer in a small Russian town “Everybody out!” The case of Ruslan Zinin, the man who shot and nearly killed a draft officer in a small Russian town

Around noon on September 26, 2022, Alexander Eliseev, the military draft officer of Ust-Ilimsk, a small town in southea...

“Everybody out!” The case of Ruslan Zinin, the man who shot and nearly killed a draft officer in a small Russian town

Ruslan Zinin is sponsored by Solidarity Zone.

His next court date is October 9th, 2023.

``` 664019 Russian Federation, Irkutsk, ulitsa Barrikad 63, SIZO-1, Zinin Ruslan Aleksandrovich, d.o.b. 1997


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Burning, not breaking. A story of Ivan Kudryashov’s personal fight against war and torture in detention Burning, not breaking. A story of Ivan Kudryashov’s personal fight against war and torture in detention

Ivan Kudryashov, a 26-year-old former orphanage resident and carriage-building factory worker, has been on a hunger stri...

Burning, not breaking. A story of Ivan Kudryashov’s personal fight against war and torture in detention

Tomorrow the Military Court of Appeal will consider the case of Ivan Kudryashov

More info on Solidarity Collective's Telegram

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