#5: Nothing interesting ever happens in my live!

Welcome to our new members!
The Weekly Thread is the place for everyone to share content and ask questions. Are you a beginner, or are you considering if you should start a journal? Ask all your questions here. Are you more experienced? Feel free to share tips, tricks, pictures of your journal, anecdotes. Anything else related to journaling is welcome
This week theme: What’s worth journaling?
I regularly read on the Reddit journaling sub—no doubt we will soon be able to read as much interesting conversations right here, in our own Lemmy journaling community ;)—people complaining that they don’t have an interesting enough life to write about it.
Neither is mine. And That’s fine. For me, events don’t matter much, it’s how they impact me and how I perceive them.
What about you? (I will share some details about my uneventful journal in the comments).
#4 How is your journaling going?

This week theme: Are you an addict to stationery?
Are you a beginner, or are you considering if you should start a journal? Ask all your questions here. Are you more experienced? Feel free to share tips, tricks, pictures of your journal, anecdotes. Anything else related to journaling is welcome in this weekly thread, don't hesitate.
Edit: I forgot to welcome new subscribers. Like, really what was I even thinking? So—let's all pretend I did not forget—welcome!
#3 How is your journaling going?

Welcome to all our new members—hi!
You're beginner, or you're simply considering if you should start keeping a journal? Ask all your questions here. You're more experienced? Feel free to share pictures of your journal, tips & tricks, anecdotes.
This week theme: Do you like your journal pages to look perfect?
Anything related to keeping a journal is welcome in this weekly thread.
#2 How is your journaling going?

A warm welcome to our new members. There is not a lot of activity going on on the surface but our numbers are steadily growing (351 this very morning!), which is neat!
This the second issue of our Weekly Thread, where anyone is welcome to post pictures, questions, anecdotes, suggestions, tips and tricks, your latest great find, absolutely anything related to journaling (at least remotely)
Did you treat yourself with some fancy or not so fancy office supply? Or maybe you're testing out a new journaling app or workflow? Did the dog ate your brand new journal or chew on your new Montblanc fountain pen? Anything else, more or less serious?
Are you a beginner or you're not sure if should start keeping a journal? It's a good place to ask any question ;)
How is your journaling going?
Post pictures, questions, anecdotes, suggestions, tips and tricks, your latest great find, anything related to journaling in this weekly thread.
Yep, I'm still trying to find a way to encourage more people to participate, so feel free to use this thread, or obviously to start your own ;)