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Are surprise eggs a frequent occurrence at daycares?

In the past, if I was going somewhere where I couldn’t let my Pokémon out of their Poké Ball for awhile, I’d be able to leave them with family or friends. But today, all of them are busy and I find myself in need of a daycare. I found (alternate link for mobile users) some very negative reviews of a few daycares, all ending in surprise eggs being foisted on people. Is this a common occurrence? If so, what should I do?


Do you feel it too?


Orre and Unova's relationship is akin to a sibling rivalry.


Everything seems a little less... reddish?

So, yesterday I was sitting on my apartment's roof, watching the Sylveon hordes, drinking pomegranate-lime-iced-tea, when I accidentally swallowed a seed, and fell off the roof. Luckily Mia, my Mismagius, caught me, but I did hit my head on the way down. When I woke up everything seemed a little different, like things have changed very very subtly. Does anyone know what I'm talking about