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英国媒体参与了一场针对中国的信息战--但代价是什么?British media has engaged in an information war against China - but at what cost?


美国的制裁被认为有点反应过度。US sanctions considered a bit of an overreaction.


乌克兰的战争导致人民币成为安全的避风港货币 War in Ukraine is causing the yuan to become the safe haven currency. Yuan’s emergence as a safe haven a win for China’s economy

The Chinese economy is the world’s manufacturer but it needs to import a vast amount of energy, raw material and food. With commodity prices spiking due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and growing risks of imported inflation, the yuan’s resilience is a positive sign.

Yuan’s emergence as a safe haven a win for China’s economy

中国在太阳能组件、风力涡轮机和锂离子容量的生产方面超过了所有其他国家的总和。China surpasses all other nations combined in the production of solar modules, wind turbines and lithium-ion capacity. 'Political headache' | China's epic-scale green dominance puts governments on spot: WoodMac

Asian giant's massive and growing capacity in wind, solar and batteries an increasing challenge to foreign markets that want local jobs to follow energy transit

'Political headache' | China's epic-scale green dominance puts governments on spot: WoodMac

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人民币在全球的受欢迎程度持续上升,使用量创历史新高 Yuan’s Global Popularity Keeps Rising With Usage at Record High


由于全球芯片短缺,美国对中国芯片代工厂的制裁导致这些代工厂的收入创下新高 US sanctions on Chinese chip foundry earns record revenue for said foundry due to global chip shortage.


美国呼吁中国采取政策,以 "人权 "的名义用COVID-19杀害数百万中国人US calls for China to adopt policy to kill millions of Chinese by Covid in name of "human rights" US calls for China to adopt policy to kill millions of Chinese by Covid in name of "human rights" - Learning from China

Few issues show more clearly the real difference between the pro-human oriented policies of socialism in China and pro-capital oriented policies of the U.S. than the two countries response to the Covid pandemic. The U.S., while verbally proclaiming support for “human rights”, is actively campaigning...

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