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Save image for later

This update adds a feature I wanted: Save image for later! It allows you to send an image to Summit and have Summit hold on to it. You can then later use the image on a post or comment like you would any other image.

The main use case is that I find the system image picker to be lackluster for finding images. Sometimes it's way easier to find the image you want from an app directly. Now with save for later you will be able to find an image you want to send, send it to Summit, switch to the Summit app and then send the image.

To start with Summit with be able to hold on to up to 3 images. I don't really see a reason why you would need the app to hold on to any more than that but additional "slots" can be added in the future should users request for it.

Changes so far:

  • Added "save image for later" feature.
  • Fixed a bug where the "more" button in a post does not show all options when "relay mode" is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where unchecking an item in screenshot mode will not remove it from the screenshot.