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Unixporn NX2

How to i get rid of the purple in qt5?

I am unsure if i am allowd to post this here, but if somesone can help, u guys here are that someone.

No matter what I do I can't seem to change the purple color that is all the GUI elements (see image). The color does not appear in my colors.conf or theme.css in my ~/.config/qt5ct/theme.

I have followd the instuctions of the ArchWiki for qt5ct.

$ pacman -Q | grep qt5 oomox-qt5-styleplugin-git 1.4.1.r36.ge15cd47-1 polkit-qt5 0.114.0-1 qt5-base 5.15.10+kde+r147-1 qt5-declarative 5.15.10+kde+r29-1 qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.10-1 qt5-imageformats 5.15.10+kde+r9-1 qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.10+kde+r6-1 qt5-styleplugins qt5-svg 5.15.10+kde+r8-1 qt5-tools 5.15.10+kde+r3-1 qt5-translations 5.15.10-1 qt5-wayland 5.15.10+kde+r52-1 qt5-x11extras 5.15.10-1 qt5ct 1.7-1 qtkeychain-qt5 0.14.1-1