World War Z: Aftermath gratis fram till 27.02.2025
Spelet World War Z: Aftermath kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 27.02.2025
Titel: World War Z: Aftermath
Utvecklare: Saber Interactive
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
World War Z: Aftermath
About This Game:
World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter inspired by Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 15 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse on consoles and PC with full cross-play. Join up to three friends or play on your own with AI teammates against hordes of ravenous zombies in intense story episodes across new zombie-ravaged locations around the world. Take back Vatican City in an epic confrontation in Rome, and join forces with survivors in Russia’s snowbound Kamchatka peninsula.
World War Z: Aftermath also includes all content from the Game of the Year Edition of World War Z. Players who own the original World War Z or World War Z: GOTY Edition will be able to purchase and play the Aftermath upgrade at a discounted price of $19.99 on Sept 19th.
#New Stories From a World at War
Take back Vatican City in an epic confrontation in Rome, and join forces with survivors in Russia’s snowbound Kamchatka peninsula in all-new story missions. Play as both new and returning characters as you take the fight to the undead with a brutal new melee system, decimating zekes with unique moves, perks and dual-wield weapon options like the sickle and cleaver. Fend off new undead monstrosities, including swarms of flesh-hungry rats that will unleash total chaos on your team.
The Next Generation of the Zombie Swarm
Play in glorious 4K|60 FPS. Endure endless waves of increasingly difficult zombies in the new Horde Mode XL game mode, featuring hundreds more zombies on screen than ever before possible. Horde Mode XL will arrive in a free post-launch update on PC.
Deep Progression and a New Perspective
Experience a heart-pounding new perspective with Aftermath’s immersive new First-Person Mode option. Level up eight unique classes — the Gunslinger, Hellraiser, Slasher, Medic, Fixer, Exterminator, Dronemaster, and all-new Vanguard class — each with their own perks and playstyles. Customize your weapons to survive any challenge, and conquer new daily missions with special modifiers for bonus rewards.
Garden Story gratis fram till 27.02.2025
Spelet Garden Story kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 27.02.2025
Titel: Garden Story
Utvecklare: Picogram
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Unify a broken community as the newly-appointed Guardian of The Grove. Traverse a vibrant island to combat invasive Rot, inspire its inhabitants, and rebuild your home. You won't have to do this alone: fruity friends await, ready to lend a hand!
Garden Story
Unify a broken community as the newly-appointed Guardian of The Grove. Traverse a vibrant island to combat invasive Rot, inspire its inhabitants, and rebuild your home. You won't have to do this alone: fruity friends await, ready to lend a hand!
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga gratis fram till 12.12.2024
Spelet LEGO® Star Wars™: Die Skywalker Saga kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 12.12.2024
Titel: LEGO® Star Wars™: Die Skywalker Saga
Utvecklare: TT Games
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga
The galaxy is yours in LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga. Experience memorable moments and nonstop action from all nine Skywalker saga films reimagined with signature LEGO humor.
The digital edition includes an exclusive classic Obi-Wan Kenobi playable character.
Explore the Trilogies in Any Order
Players will relive the epic story of all nine films in the Skywalker Saga, and it all starts with picking the trilogy of their choice to begin the journey.
Play as Iconic Heroes and Villains
More than 300 playable characters from throughout the galaxy.
Discover Legendary Locales
Players can visit well known locales from their favorite Skywalker saga films .They can unlock and have the freedom to seamlessly travel to 23 planets as they play through the saga or explore and discover exciting quests.
Command Powerful Vehicles
More than 100 vehicles from across the galaxy to command. Join dogfights and defeat capital ships like the Super Star Destroyer that can be boarded and explored.
Immersive Player Experiences
String attacks together to form combo chains and fend off oncoming attacks. New blaster controls and mechanics allow players to aim with precision, or utilize the skills of a Jedi by wielding a lightsaber and using the power of The Force.
Upgradable Character Abilities
Exploration rewards players as they uncover Kyber Bricks which unlock new features and upgraded abilities across a range of character classes, including Jedi, Hero, Dark Side, Villain, Scavenger, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Astromech Droid, and Protocol Droid.
Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop gratis fram till 12.12.2024
Spelet Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 12.12.2024
Titel: Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop
Utvecklare: Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop Career Mode combines Sandbox Mode with the campaign's economic system. You have access to all the bus stops and bus models right from the start of the game and don't have to unlock everything gradually by completing missions.
In addition to the Next Stop update, the free, official map extension DLC is coming to the Epic Game Store. Look forward to a new area in the north of the "Angel Shores" North American map. Get the free DLC now and expand your gameplay!
This major update adds a brand-new career mode to the game.
Includes bug fixes and game improvements for smoother gameplay.
Next Stop comes with an optional free map extension DLC with lots of new tasks for owners of the main game – get it now on the Epic Game Store!
Chivalry 2 gratis fram till 6.6.2024
Spelet Chivalry 2 kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 6.6.2024
Titel: Chivalry 2
Utvecklare: Torn Banner Studios
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from clashing swords, to storms of flaming arrows, to sprawling castle sieges and more.
Chivalry 2
Return to the ultimate medieval battlefield
Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from clashing swords, to storms of flaming arrows, to sprawling castle sieges and more. Dominate massive, 64-player battlefields. Catapults tear the earth apart as you lay siege to castles, set fire to villages and slaughter filthy peasants in the return of Team Objective maps.
Speldöden beror på mer än kass världsekonomi
Branschen omsatte cirka 184 miljarder dollar förra året. Ändå försvinner jobb dagligen. FZ:s Mike Stranéus undrar vad det är som händer.

> ##### Branschen omsatte cirka 184 miljarder dollar förra året. Ändå försvinner jobb dagligen. FZ:s Mike Stranéus undrar vad det är som händer. > > 2023 var ett fantastiskt år för gamers. Stundtals kändes det som det släpptes en fullpoängare varannan vecka. Vi var verkligen bortskämda med kvalitetsspel. > > I skuggan av detta solsken kantas nyheterna av nedskärningar för branschens kreatörer. Förra veckan sparkade Sony och EA 8 respektive 5 procent av personalstyrkan, vilket motsvarar 900 och 670 medarbetare. Innan dess avskedade Microsoft 1900 anställda, Epic Games 830, EA har tidigare sagt upp 780 och Embracer har minskat personalen med minst 1 400 från i somras, för att nämna några. > >> #### "Som vanligt är det fotfolket som får ta smällen" > > Ett återkommande argument är ”det ostabila ekonomiska läget i världen” som anledning. Men är svaret verkligen så enkelt i en bransch som omsätter över 184 miljarder dollar? En del av svaret stavas det ekonomiska läget, räntor driver upp priser, lokalhyror och allt däremellan. Men att gömma sig bakom detta utan att ta upp andra viktiga faktorer är både fegt och fult, så låt oss titta på dem. > > Vi börjar med Embracer. Att aggressivt expandera och shoppa studior på löpande band med externa investerares pengar är att spela ett högt spel. Och när dealen på två miljarder dollar från investerare i Saudi inte roddes i hamn, måste radikala förändringar ske snabbt. Lägg till det att Embracer Group inte har några riktiga megahits bland sina spel, vilket gör det omöjligt för företaget att hålla sig flytande utan externa pengar. Och som vanligt är det fotfolket som får ta smällen när styrelserumsdrömmar går i kras. Detta är ett exempel på varför personalen i branschen har det tufft. > >> ! >> Phil Spencer - bekymrad. > > Ett annat exempel, som kanske är mer logiskt, är personalöverskott när företag tar över varandra eller går ihop. Det var fallet när Microsoft köpte både Activision och Blizzard, då följer en massa "dubbelpersonal" med på köpet. Då syftar jag inte på kreatörer, utan mer på HR-avdelningar, marknadsföringsfolk, lönepersonal och liknande. Även om det hade varit godhjärtat att behålla alla, så är det omöjligt ur ett affärsperspektiv. Så i detta fall måste tyvärr folk lämna. Samtidigt är detta också resultatet när storföretag köper upp mindre företag: plötsligt är det fler aktieägare som ska göras nöjda och den ekonomiska karusellen av girighet snurrar vidare. Det ska även nämnas att mindre bolag kan ta chansen att sparka folk man vill bli av med eftersom de vet att de större bolagen som gör samma sak hamnar i fokus. De utnyttjar tillfället på absolut smutsigaste sätt. > > Dyrare storspel gör företagen fegare. Detta hämmar kreativitet, främjar diskussioner om "Games as a service"-modeller, microtransaktioner och bygger en kultur av feghet. Att satsa på säkra kort och lägga ned riskfulla projekt som inte tros nå uppsatta försäljningsmål. Samtidigt ska det tilläggas att många försäljningsmål som spelutvecklare sätter upp känns orimliga. Ett utmärkt exempel är Square Enix som efter (nästan) varje spelsläpp ska basunera ut att de är besvikna på antal sålda spel som inte stämmer överens med deras prognos. > > Kanske är det så enkelt att prognosen är uppblåst av människor som inte riktigt håller örat till marknaden? Jag vet inte, men det är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen i fler branscher än bara dataspel. > >> ! >> Storspelet Forspoken gjorde varken spelarna eller Square Enix nöjda. > > En annan faktor som spelat stor roll för den globala dataspelsbranschen är covidpandemin. När världen plötsligt hamnade i lockdown ökade intresset för spel lavinartat. Och det är en bidragande faktor till läget just nu. Varför? För när pandemin var över svalnade intresset. Många utvecklare och studior vägrade acceptera att covidbubblan skulle spricka. Och när den gjorde det var det redan försent. Mängder av projekt som godkänts i ett ögonblick av hybris läggs nu ned när både utvecklare och utgivare darrar på fötterna. I kölvattnet av pandemin har världen även hamnat i recession vilket gör att ökande kostnader har gett mindre pengar i plånboken, vilket leder till minskade inköp av nöjen såsom spel. Vid horisonten lurar även AI, ingen vet riktigt hur brett AI är implementerat inom dataspelsbranschen ännu, men vi kan räkna med att fler kommer förlora sina arbeten till AI framöver. > >> #### "Jag vet att detta inte är särskilt uppmuntrande läsning" > > Jag vet att detta inte är särskilt uppmuntrande läsning, men vi kan avsluta med något positivt. För där AAA-marknaden riskerar att bli strömlinjeformad och lika fantasilös som Hollywood så blomstrar indiemarknaden. Mängden indiespel som dyker upp som håller hög kvalitet är ständigt imponerande. Och det ska vi vara glada över. Vi ska även vara glada över att anställda inom branschen börjar engagera sig mer fackligt. Oavsett vad man anser om fackets vara eller icke vara, så kan det behövas en starkare kollektiv röst som vågar ifrågasätta kortsiktiga vinster för ägare och aktieägare och osäkra anställningsformer för de anställda. > > Jag vill avsluta med några ord från basketlegendaren Michael Jordan: > >> Organisationer sätter ihop lag, men i slutet av dagen måste laget gå ut och spela. I grund och botten tror jag att spelarna vinner mästerskap. Och organisationerna har med det att göra, missförstå mig inte. Men försök inte att sätta organisationen över spelarna för i slutet av dagen måste spelarna fortfarande gå ut och prestera. > > Vi behöver stötta ”spelarna”. Exakt hur vi ska göra det är en fråga för en annan dag.
Epic ger ut ett gratis spel om dagen tills 4 Januari - Sammeltråd
God jul önskar Epic
Det är juletider och Epic Games har givarmössan på sig. Fram tills den 4:e Januari så kommer Epic att skänka oss ett spel om dagen. Märk väl att spelet bara är gratis för dagen! Det betyder nästa dag är det ett nytt spel som är gratis och det föregående spelet är borta.
Detta är en sammeltråd för alla dessa spel och diskussion runtom detta trevliga jippo. Under till finns en lista till alla spel som presenterats (uppdateras efterhand).
20 - 21 December: DNF Duel
21 - 22 December: Melvor Idle
22 - 23 December: art of rally
23 - 24 December: Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
24 - 25 December: Ghostwire: Tokyo
25 - 26 December: The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
26 -27 December: Human Resource Machine
27- 28 December: Cursed to Golf
28 - 29 December: Cat Quest
29 - 30 December: Snakebird Complete
30 - 31 December: Saints Row
31 December - 1 Januari 2024: Ghostrunner
1 - 2 Januari: Escape Academy
2 - 3 Januari: 20 Minutes Till Dawn
3 - 4 Januari: A Plague Tale: Innocence
4 - 5 Januari: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Då var Epics julklappsutdelning tyvärr avslutad. Jag hoppas att det fanns något guldkorn där för alla. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy förblir gratis fram till 11 Januari, då nästa gratis epic spel är officiellt.
Tack och god fortsättning!
Destiny 2: Legacy Collection (2023) gratis fram till 20.12.2023
Spelet Destiny 2: Legacy Collection (2023) kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 20.12.2023
Titel: Destiny 2: Legacy Collection (2023)
Utvecklare: Bungie
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
This edition includes The Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep. Play through three epic campaigns, unlock 37 Exotic weapons, 15 Exotic pieces of armor, and the power of Stasis, allowing you to lock down and control the battlefield.
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
Delve into Savathûn’s Throne World, a twisted wonderland of corruption and splendor, to uncover the mystery of how she and her Lucent Hive stole the Light. Learn the secrets to crafting new weapons, the power of the new Glaive, and survive the truth within her web of lies.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light
The frontier of Europa holds many lost secrets, including the dark power of Stasis. Work with the mysterious Exo Stranger to harness this new power before Eramis, the Kell of Darkness, bestows it on her Fallen forces. Grow your arsenal, command Stasis, and go beyond the Light.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
As the heroes of the last safe city turn their attention to the far-reaching frontiers of our galaxy, new Nightmares have emerged from an ancient evil that once slumbered beneath the Lunar surface. Journey deep into a mysterious Hive Keep and work with Eris Morn to slay the Nightmares before they cast humanity into a permanent age of darkness.
Golden Light gratis fram till 16.11.2023
Spelet Golden Light kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 16.11.2023
Titel: Golden Light
Utvecklare: Mr. Pink
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Eat weapons, be scared and question your own mind in this Survival-Horror FPS Prop Hunt Roguelike about meat. Walls are watching you!
Welcome to the Meat Zone. Prop Hunt where PROPS HUNT YOU. Also it's a horror roguelike! Golden Light is a procedural dark comedy horror game with roguelike elements and an eerie atmosphere. Descend into the depths of the Gut to save your loved one.
Procedural levels!
Randomized weapons!
Procedural spooks!
Talking BICYCLE!
Things you can eat or throw in this game: Bat Head, Corrupted Fetus, Fish Head, Fat Lips, Meat Apple and many more!
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion gratis fram till 9.11.2023
Spelet Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 9.11.2023
Titel: Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Utvecklare: Snoozy Kazo
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Take control of an adorable turnip who happens to be an absolute menace to society. After failing to pay taxes and getting evicted from your home, you must go on an epic quest to pay back your massive debt to Mayor Onion. Garden tools to solve plantastic puzzles, meet eccentric vegetables and fruits, and take on treacherous fights against animals both big and small. Along the journey uncover what’s spoiling this garden community and rise to tear down the corrupt vegetable government!
A single-player adventure full of tax evasion, petty crimes and more.
Dungeons full of puzzles, enemies and rare treasures to pay back your debt.
Battle massive beasts that terrorize the garden community. Grow and harvest plants to aid in your journey.
A large cast of quirky food-based characters, all with their own stories and problems.
Tons of tax documents to rip up, allowing you to erase your paper trail and potentially destroy the government.
Earn collectible hats and alternate between which one to wear.
Multiple endings based on how effectively you commit tax evasion.
The Evil Within 2 gratis fram till 2.11.2023
Spelet The Evil Within 2 kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 2.11.2023
Titel: The Evil Within 2
Utvecklare: Tango Gameworks
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
To save his daughter, Detective Sebastian Castellanos returns to a world of nightmares in The Evil Within 2. Fight for your life inside a terrifying reality using weapons, traps and stealth in this survival horror follow-up from Tango Gameworks.
Detective Sebastian Castellanos has lost it all...but when given a chance to save his daughter, Sebastian must descend once more into the nightmarish world of STEM in The Evil Within 2.
Horrifying threats emerge from every corner as the world twists and warps around him. Tackle adversity head on with upgradeable weapons, cleverly deployed traps and even stealthily avoiding harm's way in this nailbiting surival horror sequel from the talented team at Tango Gameworks.
Return to the nightmare to win back your life and loved ones as you plunge into the twisted world of The Evil Within 2.
Tandem: a Tale of Shadows gratis fram till 2.11.2023
Spelet Tandem: a Tale of Shadows kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 2.11.2023
Titel: Tandem: a Tale of Shadows
Utvecklare: Monochrome Paris
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Tandem : A Tale of Shadows redefines the puzzle platformer genre with a unique gameplay and exceptional aesthetics. Help Emma and the teddy bear Fenton solve the mystery of the disappearance of the famous magician Thomas Kane.
Tandem: a Tale of Shadows
Tandem : A Tale of Shadows redefines the puzzle platformer genre with a unique top down and side-scroller gameplay and exceptional aesthetics. Help Emma and the teddy bear Fenton solve the mystery of the disappearance of the famous magician Thomas Kane.
Explore the mysterious manor of Thomas Kane
Award-winning Tandem: A Tale of Shadows features five beautiful Victorian-inspired worlds inspired by Tim Burton, Jules Vernes, Conan Doyle. Players have to carefully alternate between Emma’s top-down view and Fenton’s horizontal side-scroller view if they hope to escape these dimensions alive. As the duo navigates past intelligent obstacles and menacing horrors, they uncover clues regarding Thomas’ disappearance, the strange Kane family, and their place in this universe. Will Emma and Fenton escape the murderous manor filled with twists and turns, or has their fate already been sealed?
Clever Puzzles
Solve over forty puzzles and obstacles in order to unravel the mystery surrounding Thomas Kane's disappearance
Dual Gameplay
Swap perspectives between Emma and Fenton. Light up the scene and cast shadows as Emma from a top-down view. Walk on shadows projected by Emma’s lantern from Fenton’s side-scroller view.
Play With Strategy
Players will face mechanical toy-like enemies and bosses throughout each dimension. Since Emma’s strategy is not to attack, players must rely on their wit to move forward. Narrative-Driven Adventure Players are invited to discover creative and elaborate cutscenes. Clever fans will find hidden rooms that reveal clues about the disappearance of Thomas Kane.
The Evil Within gratis fram till 26.10.2023
Spelet The Evil Within kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 26.10.2023
Titel: The Evil Within
Utvecklare: Tango Gameworks
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Developed by Tango Gameworks and directed by Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within embodies pure survival horror. As Detective Sebastian Castellanos, fight for survival with limited resources in a twisted world of nightmares.
Developed by Tango Gameworks and directed by Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within embodies pure survival horror.
As Detective Sebastian Castellanos, seek the dark truth behind a gruesome mass murder and its connection to a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror and fighting for survival with limited resources, Sebastian embarks on a frightening journey to uncover who - or what - is responsible.
Tension and anxiety heighten dramatically as you explore the game’s tortured world, facing menacing horrors, avoiding cruel traps and managing crucial supplies as you struggle to survive against overwhelming odds. Corridors, walls, doors and entire buildings change in real time, ensnaring players in a warped reality where threats can appear at any time and from any direction.
Keep your wits about and aim steady, Detective..chilling horror and heart-racing action await those who step into The Evil Within.
Eternal Threads gratis fram till 26.10.2023
Spelet Eternal Threads kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 26.10.2023
Titel: Eternal Threads
Utvecklare: Cosmonaut Studios
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence.
Eternal Threads
Choose how you want to follow the game’s story
The complete narrative follows the six main characters through multiple decisions across multiple timelines and you can experience these in any way you choose. You can concentrate on just one particular character’s storyline at a time, following their choices across the timelines and then go back to the start and follow another character. You can approach the story like a forensic detective, observe the final outcomes of the story and then work backwards along the timeline – essentially observing the effects and then determining their cause. Or you can just watch things in chronological order, experiencing the timeline unfold as you observe and change the decisions that the characters face as the week progresses.
Watch and change things as many times as you like
Can’t remember exactly what happened in an event? Changed a decision and you’re not sure you like the consequences? That’s fine. Just pop back along the timeline and watch and change whatever you like, whenever you like, as many times as you like.
Change the past to affect the future
Setting up temporary base in the house mere hours after the fire, provides a unique perspective on events. As you look back through the timeline, past events play out in front of you in ghostly form, with the smoke and fire damaged house a constant reminder of what is to come. In addition, as you manipulate the past, the environment can be reset around you to match the changes taking place. Some new objects will appear, others will move around the house and the contents of rooms can change substantially as you change the past.
911 Operator gratis fram till 21.09.2023
Spelet Cave 911 Operator kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 21.09.2023
Titel: 911 Operator
Utvecklare: Jutsu Games
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
A game about the difficult work of people that manage emergency services. Answer incoming calls and react properly - give first aid instructions, advise, dispatch the correct number of firemen/police/ambulances, or sometimes - just ignore the call. Play on ANY CITY in the world!
911 Operator
In 911 OPERATOR, you take on the role of an emergency dispatcher, who has to rapidly deal with the incoming reports. Your task is not just to pick up the calls, but also to react appropriately to the situation – sometimes giving first aid instructions is enough, at other times a police, fire department or paramedics’ intervention is a necessity. Keep in mind, that the person on the other side of the line might turn out to be a dying daughter’s father, an unpredictable terrorist, or just a prankster. Can you handle all of this?
Check out thousands of cities from all around the world. The Free Play mode lets you choose a city to play on - the game will download its map, along with real streets, addresses and the emergency infrastructure. You can also try the Career mode, which contains 6 cities with unique events – survive an earthquake in San Francisco and save Washington, D.C. from bomb attacks.
A number of police, fire department and paramedic units are at your disposal. The forces may use a variety of vehicles (from common ambulances to police helicopters), essential equipment (e.g., bulletproof vests, first aid kits and technical tools) and consist of team members with different abilities.
Main features:
- Over 50 recorded dialogues inspired by real calls: serious and dramatic, but sometimes also funny or annoying.
- Real First Aid instructions.
- Opportunity to play on any city in the world!
- 6 selected cities in Career mode, featuring unique calls and events.
- More than 140 types of reports to encounter.
- 12 types of emergency vehicles (including helicopters, police cars and motorcycles).
Spelldrifter gratis fram till 14.09.2023
Spelet Cave Spelldrifter kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 14.09.2023
Titel: Spelldrifter
Utvecklare: Free Range Games
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG with the customizability and replayability of a collectible card game. The result: a hybrid, wherein players must juggle the resources at their disposal using both time and space.
Introducing Spelldrifter, a hybrid tactical role playing game and deck building game that features the best parts of both! Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG battle with the deep customizability and replayability of a collectible card game. The result: a hybrid, wherein players must juggle the resources at their disposal using both time and space.
With Spelldrifter's innovative Tick System, players are challenged to think of card game strategy in a new light. With each character action, the turns interweave on a single timeline. With mastery of the timeline, players gain great advantage in battle and earn the satisfaction of decisive victory. Select your party of heroes, build your decks, and embark on an adventure deep into Starfall as you search for the entrance to the mysterious Labyrinth!
Cave Story+ gratis fram till 07.09.2023
Spelet Cave Story+ kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 07.09.2023
Titel: Cave Story+
Utvecklare: Nicalis, Inc./Studio Pixel
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Arguably the most well-known indie game of all time, Cave Story+ features an original story brimming with personality, mystery and fast-paced fun. Run, jump, shoot, fly and explore your way through a massive adventure reminiscent of classic 8 and 16-bit games!
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak gratis fram till 31.8.2023
Spelet Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 31.8.2023
Titel: Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Utvecklare: Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
A ground-based RTS prequel to the classic Homeworld games. Assemble your fleet and lead them to victory on the shifting sands of Kharak in this compelling strategy game for PC from Blackbird Interactive.
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Crafted by Blackbird Interactive, a studio founded by veterans of Homeworld and Company of Heroes. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak takes players to the deserts of Kharak where danger lurks over every dune.
Assemble your fleet and lead them to victory on the shifting sands of Kharak in this compelling strategy game.
In Deserts of Kharak’s campaign, an anomaly is discovered deep in the southern desert. An expedition is sent, but the story is not that simple. Discover the story of Rachel S'jet as she leads her people on a quest to find their destiny in an exciting campaign.
Take control of fleets of land and air vehicles – from nimble light attack vehicles to massive heavyweight cruisers – built to conquer the desert.
Fight your way across massive dune seas, deep craters, and hostile canyons in sprawling maps – all in unprecedented fidelity and scale.
Position your fleet to take advantage of the high ground or create ambushes across dune lines in terrestrial combat. Attack your enemies’ resource operations, or assault their military head-on.
STRATEGIC DECISIONS Meaningful choices in resource management, fleet composition, and technology research directly impact your chances of survival.
Compete online solo or with friends in a variety of game modes, including ranked play. Rise through the ranks and become the most powerful Fleet Captain on Kharak. Before you can find your Homeworld, you must first unlock the secrets of the desert.
Dodo Peak gratis fram till 24.8.2023
Spelet Dodo Peak kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 24.8.2023
Titel: Dodo Peak
Utvecklare: Moving Pieces Interactive
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Black Book
Dodo Peak is a throwback to the classic arcade platformers of the past with a modern twist. Play as a dodo bird to find and rescue your lost babies from a series of dangerous peaks.
Dodo Peak is a retro platformer for everyone!
Play as a dodo bird to find and rescue your lost babies from a series of dangerous peaks. Maneuver them home while avoiding obstacles and enemies! Dodo Peak is a throwback to the classic arcade platformers of the past with a modern twist. Collect coins, dodge sneaky snakes, avoid malevolent monkeys, grab power-ups for extra speed or super strength, and strive for the best time across a stunning variety of handcrafted islands. Unlock new, faster dodos to tackle even harder levels. As your pack grows, so does the challenge in bringing them home!
Beautiful handcrafted levels with unique layouts, goals, and enemies
A variety of environments including tropical islands, sunset hills, and dangerous volcanoes (with more on the way!)
Unlock funny and unique new dodos by beating levels and collecting coins
Compete to finish levels the fastest on in-game leaderboards Endless Mode and Daily Challenges
Black Book gratis fram till 24.8.2023
Spelet Black Book kan hämtas gratis på Epic Games hemsida fram till och med 24.8.2023
Titel: Black Book
Utvecklare: Morteshka
Plattform: Windows
Information om spelet (från Epic Games hemsida):
Black Book
Dive into this narrative-driven RPG Adventure with card-based combat and explore a world where reality neighbors myth.
A fusion of card-based RPGs and Adventure games, “Black Book” is a haunting tale of a young sorceress, who gave her life to serve the dark forces. Dive into the cold, yet alluring world of Slavic folktales - and uncover the secrets that hide in the darkness.
Uncover the seals of Black Book
Collect spell cards and new skills as you progress.
A Historic Adventure
Solve riddles and complete side-quests as you learn more about life in the Slavic countryside.
Lead a Demonic Flock
Send demons to do your bidding, but be careful - idle demons will torture you if you don’t find them something to do!
Myths and legends
Explore a world based on Northern Slavic mythology. Learn from an in-game encyclopedia, created with the help of expert anthropologists - and find all folk tales hidden within the game!