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Federal council decided, citizens should be more monitored Swiss tighten data surveillance after bomb threats

Switzerland to step up telephone and internet traffic monitoring after bomb threats.

Swiss tighten data surveillance after bomb threats

In future, it will be easier to trace anonymous bomb threat calls in Switzerland and locate people at risk more quickly during emergency searches.

The Federal Council has introduced changes to the monitoring of telephone and internet data with effect from 1 January 2024.

The aim of the amendment is to enable more precise positioning of telephone and internet data and to continue to ensure effective criminal prosecution, the Federal Council announced on Wednesday.

During the consultation process, however, digital-savvy and left-wing circles criticised the fact that the amendment to the Act on the Surveillance of Postal and Telecommunications Traffic would lead to an expansion of surveillance.

Due to the criticism, the Federal Council has now decided not to force providers of services such as Whatsapp, Threema or Signal to remove the encryption from their chats when surveillance is ordered. ...


New Post Categories

Hi all

I decided to add some new post categories because there where some discussion posts where it does not make sense to tag a country. To further organize the community the following tags can now be used:

  • [ARTICLE] or [CH], etc: Sharing articles, blog posts etc, as before use country tags, or if not country specifig declare as article.
  • [DISCUSSION]: Everything, that as the name suggests, should or will be discussed.
  • [SEARCHING]: Looking for activists or supporters for privacy events/initiatives/referendums etc. If country specific combine with country tag.
  • [GUIDE]: Explaining processes, laws or other how to's.
  • [UPDATE]: News for our community, at the moment only for me as I'm the only moderator.

If there are other categories you would like to see, leave a comment.

  • Verordnung über den Jugendschutz in den Bereichen Film und Videospiele - Digitale Gesellschaft Verordnung über den Jugendschutz in den Bereichen Film und Videospiele (JSFVV) - Digitale Gesellschaft

Das im letzten Jahr beschlossene Jugendschutzgesetz hat im Nachhinein für grosse Kontroversen gesorgt. Das Referendum ist jedoch leider nicht zustande gekommen. Auch eine Interpellation von Nationalrat Jörg Mäder hat nicht für mehr Klarheit gesorgt. Nun wurde der Vorentwurf für eine Verordnung zum J...

Verordnung über den Jugendschutz in den Bereichen Film und Videospiele (JSFVV) - Digitale Gesellschaft

Ordinance on the Protection of Minors in the Fields of Film and Video Games (JSFVV)

The law for the protection of minors, which was passed last year, caused a lot of controversy afterwards. Unfortunately, however, the referendum did not materialize. An interpellation by National Councilor Jörg Mäder also failed to provide more clarity. Now, the preliminary draft for an ordinance on the Protection of Minors Act has been published.

Edit: translation of summary from German to English by