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Whats a movie you thought would be terrible but you ended up liking?


Did Kingsman II failed as a sequel?

I remember liking the first one, but then started the second one, and it just felt... off? Like definitely not as enjoyable as the first one


Which movie trailers were the most deceptive regarding the actual content of the movie?


character that was meant to be portrayed as "cool" by the actor/actress came across as the exact opposite?


Someone should have gotten sued over Kangaroo Jack for deceiving trailer

If you grew up in the early 2000s, you probably saw a trailer for Kangaroo Jack. The trailer gives the impression that the movie is a screwball road trip comedy about two friends and their wacky, talking Kangaroo sidekick. Except it’s not that. It’s an extremely unfunny movie about two idiots escaping the mob. There’s a random kangaroo in it for like 5 minutes and he only talks during a hallucination scene that lasts less than a minute. Turns out, the producers knew that they had a stinker on their hands so they cut the movie to be PG and focus the marketing on the one positive aspect that test audiences responded to, the talking kangaroo, tricking a bunch of families into buying tickets.

What other movies had similar, deceitfully malicious marketing campaigns?


What are your most recent discoveries in non-American cinema?

Can be anything, from South Korean, to Spanish, Indian, etc.


Are there any upcoming movies that you are looking forward?


Of all the films you’ve gone into blind, which one truly stands out as your favorite find?


James Cameron hands you the Terminator franchise. What do you do with it?


Who portrays the most convincing agony in a movie?


What do you think about "Knives out" movies?

Last one finished shooting, so seems like a good opportunity to discuss the previous ones


Which movies are you looking forward?


What were the last VFX that you found impressive? On the opposite, which ones were the worse?


What is your movie setup? Large OLED TV, beamer? Which kind of sound system do you use?


Best recent modern Kung-Fu / Martial Art movies?

Haven't looked in a while.

As oldies, Shaolin Soccer is always a fun watch.


What did you think of Matrix 4? (Spoilers)

Saw a video the other day (not in English unfortunately) with an analysis of how it actually makes sense from a themes and style perspective (e.g. the Wachowski's work on the Sense 8 taught them how to go to a more "impro" kind of directing compared to planning everything with very established plans in their earlier works)

Curious to see what the opinion of the people here is


What is your favorite summer movie?

Whatever the genre


Best Movie of 2024 So Far?


What's your "this has bothered me for way too long" movie moment?

Can be anything, from characters not using objects they have on them, to physics not being realistic, or a very big plot hole.

As an example, one of my friends told me that his pet peeve is that in a lot of sci-fi movies, when spaceships run out of fuel, they stop moving, while inertia and lack of atmosphere should keep them in motion.


Which directors are you currently following closely?

Asking because I saw another Ridley Scott news and I think that he maybe kind of lost it somehow. Having been in that field for so long, you probably run out of things to tell.

So question to the community: which are your favorite current directors?