The predictably grievous harms of Effective Altruism
The predictably grievous harms of Effective Altruism
Help me you're my only hope
Help me @sneerclub you're my only hope
Why capitalists are coming out against democracy - "Does classical liberalism imply democracy?"
Why capitalists are coming out against democracy - "Does classical liberalism imply democracy?"
"There is a fault line running through ... liberalism as to whether or not democratic self- governance is a necessary part of a liberal social order. The democratic and non-democratic strains of classical liberalism are both present today. Many ... libertarians ... represent the non-democratic strain in their promotion of non-democratic sovereign city-states."
Roko called, just to say he's filed a trademark on Basilisk™ and will be coming after anyone who talks about it for licensing fees which will go into his special Basilisk™ Immanetization Fund and if we don't pay up we'll burn in AI hell forever once the Basilisk™ wakes up and gets around to punishing us.
Also, if you see your mom, be sure and tell her SATAN!!!!—