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DFHack Info / Questions

Do people here use this? I hadn't until just recently. I had a couple squads stuck on a mission and one suggested fix was DFHack. Seems to have worked!

  • DFHack is amazing.

  • I am a fan of the autobutcher myself.

  • I love DFHack for the quality of life fixes it can provide. Some of the tools I use:

    • Autochop. When the number of available logs drops below a number I set, go chop down trees in a burrow area I've determined, until we are back above another number I've set. So helpful in bigger forts!
    • autobutcher. Keep X number of male sheep, Y number of female sheep. Butcher the rest. Again, just useful to be able to manage this automatically, for all your livestock, in a bigger fort.
    • Suspend manager. This is a new one, and it's amazing! You know how building above ground structures is a pain in the arse? You can get dwarfs stuck on walls, because other dwarves block them in? Suspend manager basically takes care of that for you ... It temporarily suspends the building of certain bits until other bits are completed, so you never end up with corners you can't get to, or dwarves stuck between sections of wall, on your latest megaproject! Honestly, suspend manager makes building above ground structures bearable!
  • I've seen screenshots that show GUI buttons showing the key assigned to them - how do I enable them? I think it's a DFHack setting but can't seem to find it

  • so next question, does the order of Work Orders matter that much? I had an order but with DFHack sorted it w/o saving prior and now I'm stuck with it's less than alphabetical order prioritization. oops

    • The only time I've really noticed the order of work orders matter, is when one is providing something another needs. Ie., you should have milking orders before making cheese orders usually. But the way orders pan out, I still find there being timing issues when a manager doesn't get an order approved when I'd expect them to. So... I guess, no... they do not matter THAT much, over time.