Welcome Queens and POS (People of Size)
Welcome Queens and POS (People of Size)
Welcome to our safe space, a place for anyone and everyone with a healthy body! When we say healthy body we don't mean the "healthy" bodies you see in fascist magazines, or on fascist television, but real healthy bodies, or "plus size" bodies as the current fatphobic media likes to call us.
In this safe space we can discuss healthy eating (e.g. burger, fries, pizza etc.), medical issues, thincels, and discrimination against POS (People of Size) by businesses (e.g. the cinema make me buy two tickets, not my fault your seats are microscopically small!!)
We will not accept or tolerate any hate by thincels, skincels, twiglets, manlets, or anyone with a body mass index below 45.
Please enjoy yourselves queens and keep eating!