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I have a new release on 12", perfect of course for your elevated holidays.

I have a new release on 12", perfect of course for your elevated holidays.

<img alt="▁jayrope (lurking)" src="" height="32" width="32" />▁jayrope (lurking) wrote the following post Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:10:19 +0100

Released on 12" via Fluessig Records, Berlin: Wichtige Hinweise, composed and played on modular snyths by nkls and myself between 2019 and 2023.

The album illustrates an ongoing lifeform-type-of conversation nkls and i have since several years about miniatures.
It's as brief and as pure as it can get, the pieces are transmutational and work without any additional deliberate listener pleasing (such as concert reverb ;)
Cover artwork by @[url=]Suetszu[/url]

We hope you'll enjoy.

Berliners can pick up a 12" with me directly for a pre-xmas price of 15€. Please contact via @_jayrope or

Your #share/#boost is appreciated.

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