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My own Lemmy self-host guide Hosting my own federated Lemmy instance - ALemmyOfMyOwn

# Intro I might as well use this thing now I’ve stood it up, so here’s a post for that. Given that Lemmy is a federated platform, and my own control freak tendencies, it only seemed right to engage with Lemmy via my own federated instance. I can control it completely, and then use a single account o...

Just a basic guide on how I implemented Lemmy and the issues I ran into

  • Hey, great write-up, thanks for sharing!

    I find it interesting how you had to declare a DNS server for federation to work. I played a bit with Docker Lemmy but I ran into weird Docker networking issues when trying to get it to talk to my mail server, which is in another docker container on a seperate VM. I just couldn't get them to talk to each other!

    I ended up building Lemmy from scratch, which was painful given the state of documentation, but somehow more workable than that Docker quirk I encountered. It's still a mistery to me how to solve that one, though it's probably just my lack of experience with Docker, I generally prefer setting things up the old fashioned way.

    • Thank you.

      I'm very much just learning this afternoon both how to run and instance, and how to use it.

      From the logs, I think what was happening is that a request would come in from a federated instance which basically says "Hi, I'm from server X, please can we do federate stuff", then the lemmy server tries to resolve the hostname X so it can say hi back. If DNS isn't working that message back fails and then the whole federation bit fails.

      Adding DNS explicitly resolves that.

      Googling docker and DNS shows this isn't just me, and I've run into this before.

      If you're running different docker instances on different VMs, then unless you put them into a swarm explicitly, you need to allow each out to the local network and to talk to each other. You'd need to fix the firewalls and DNS on both because they won't share a docker network. AFAIK, anyway. I'm not a docker expert.

      • I find Docker a mixed bag, it vastly simplifies some things, but then it complicates others.

        Yes the bit that gets me is having the whole Docker networking layer with its own firewalls and rules, on top of host networking. Whatever was happening, Lemmy was not hitting the host or router firewalls at all. So maybe it was a Docker permissions thing, I really don't know.

        Then you have to worry about performance and how Docker handles assigned resources, this post was very interesting in this respect: (the bit on solutions).

        Then again, it's so much more straightforward to deploy Lemmy with Docker, none of this is a real problem unless you're a big/public instance.

  • I’m setting up my second pc as a server and going to give this a shot and see how it runs. Thanks for the write up!