Fifth time is the charm for me, but finally got a buckle at Devil Dog this weekend. Feeling pretty sore and limping around today, but overall very pleased that I managed to avoid another DNF!
Awesome, unbelievable, congratulations! I have so many questions that I could probably Google, but I’d love to hear about your experience if that’s okay. When would you eat and sleep and how do you plan that across a hundred mile course? How do you graduate from marathons to even consider a challenge like this? What goes on in your mind when you hit a wall or do you even get those at your level?
Thank you! I had a timer to eat something every 45 min, no sleep which was tough towards the end. It's very different from a marathon, you're going slower and it's a lot more about keeping consistent with eating and caring for small things early. This was late in the season so cold and wet!
I mean me too but for someone who is actually trained for this I am guessing like.... 12 hours would be a great time, maybe 13-14 more conservatively. Curious the actual answer now though
The winner finished in 19 ish hrs, I was at 30.5. The first 40 mi were easy to keep a pace for around 24hr, but then as the legs got tighter, the weather cooler and wetter I couldn't keep the pace up and had to walk the up hills.