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Violence and Mental Illness: Disseminating Fact and Dispelling Fiction Violence and Mental Illness: Disseminating Fact and Dispelling Fiction

Table of Contents: Introduction What is Serious Mental Illness? Is there a Link between Serious Mental Illness and Violence? Psychosocial ...

Violence and Mental Illness: Disseminating Fact and Dispelling Fiction

I've gotten so fed up arguing about mental illness and violence, I wrote a blog post setting the record straight.

I have ads turned off and I am not benefitting in any way from my blog. Just want to compile and share information.

TL;DR: Only 3-5% of violent acts can be attributed to those with SMI [20], co-occurring substance use plays the most pivotal role [24], many psychosocial contextual factors influence violent acts [11], and while individuals with SMI are potentially 2.1% more likely than those without a mental illness to be violent [4], they are 10 times more likely to be victims of violence themselves. [20]

There does not exist a strong association between severe mental illness and violent behavior in general. ...the notion that mentally ill individuals are violent is a harmful myth that only serves to further stigmatize an already disadvantaged population.

This behavior is detrimental to the 26% of our (U.S.) population suffering from a diagnosed mental illness. [10] The false claims that individuals with SMI are dangerous and responsible for mass shootings and acts of extremism need to be called out for the harmful lies that they are.

  • First as someone scrolling through All this is probably one of the highest quality Lemmy posts I've seen. With actual cited source.

    But I think there is a common use vs field use disconnect here. When they are attributing mass violence to those with serious mental illnesses they may not be intending on using a term with a specific meaning in the field of mental health.

    But instead doing things like including ASPD in with SMIs because they simply view ASPD as a mental illness, and in those cases where it resulted in tragedy it was severe. Because to them anyone in a particularly tumultuous mental space that endangers others has a severe mental illness in a layman's sense of the words.

    It would definitely be better if everyone was able to use more thinly defined terms. Overly broad terms aren't very conducive to resolving matters.