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Ask Comrades DankZedong

Literature on the Black Panther Movement, if possible.

I've said it before but I'm tasked with setting up a youth movement for our party. One of the key things to do is, of course, appeal to the youth in order for them to join us. I've had a few meetings with our group now and while I will not claim I know better than the party, the course we're taking is a bit of the same of our regular action groups. And I can see how that doesn't work, especially for younger people.

So I'm looking for examples in literature on how to effectively reach out to the masses, with a focus on non-leftist or 'regular' people. One of the historical examples for this that I came up with is the Black Panther Movement. A young, radical movement. I was wondering if any of you guys know of literature written about their organizing power. You know, to use as a starting point for my journey.